𝓅𝓇ℴ𝓁ℴ𝑔𝓊ℯ - 𝘴𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘴

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· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– •

"Can we stay like this for five more minutes?"

My body seemed to gravitate towards hers while I feel her tense under me. "You know we can't, Miles." She uttered, her head falling gently.

I sigh, "You'll be the death of me." My head is in her neck, a light chuckle left my lips. It was humorless though, a forced breath of anxiety.

I feel her softly thread her fingers through my hair as she laughs defeated, "But I can't stay away from you." She sighs and It's like I can feel her roll her eyes at my words.

"Look at me," Y/n says, and I do. Turning in her embrace I look up at her as she puts some distance between us, we met eye to eye on the couch.

"I'm a mess, Miles," She shakes her head with a quiet laugh, "I can't stay away from you either." She holds my face as the words leave her gorgeous lips.

And as she leans in I can't help but fall completely into her.

Her lips tasted exactly how I remembered them. Strawberries, roses, cherries. It was unbelievably sweet, it was frustratingly intoxicating... it was everything. The kiss was soft and delicate. It was comforting in ways words couldn't explain. It brought me back to our wide-eyed innocent days.

Yet innocence was the furthest thought in my head.

I need Y/n. Just as much as I need air to breathe. I know it's not healthy, I know it's not normal. But I don't care. She's what I want, all I've ever wanted.

But I'm not what she needs...

Leaning our foreheads against each other, we struggled to catch our breath. "Miles I..." Before she can find the words that became lost to her I let my heart do the talking and not my brain.

"I love you!" Her eyes grow wide at the declaration of love.

"I'm sorry if this is three years too late. Hell, I'm sorry if this is seven years too late... But I love you, Y/n."

I can tell I left her at a loss for words. I wanted to act fast before she had time to build her walls back up around herself before she had time to overthink everything.

I grab her hands and squeezed them tight. "I always have."

She tries to pull away but I don't let her, not this time, not again. Never again. "And call me crazy, but I know that's how you feel about me too." Her doe brown eyes gloss over with an emotion I can't understand.

"So tell me why you're pushing me away?" She opens her mouth to speak but it's like she catches herself, I watch in real-time as Y/n second-guesses herself.

"If this is punishment for my cowardice, for choosing to love you from afar, then I can assure you I've been tortured enough."

Y/n's eyes close in a heap of confusion and fear.

"Please Y/n."

Once I say please it's as if she can't take it anymore. Y/n stands and makes her way to the door, I make a split-second decision and my web is pulling her back to me.

His lips were back on mine in a heartbeat.

Miles crossed the room in an instant and crashed his lips on mine. Swept up in each other, we lost our balance and fell onto his bed together. He was gentle but demanding as he parted my lips. And before I knew it, I was kissing him back.

It was nothing like the one we shared when we were young and dumb. Not like the one we shared two minutes ago. No, not at all.

All that mattered in that moment was him.

I placed my hand on his cheek and pulled him closer to me, caving into my desires as he overwhelmed my senses.

I wanted him.

Now, and forever.

I was hopelessly dizzy from the taste of his lips and his weight on top of me. Miles was everywhere. My heart was hammering in my chest as he kissed me. Our bodies molded together as I lost myself to him that night.

This night taught me that as long as I'm around you, there's just no way I would be able to stay away.

He pulls away, "Just come back to me."

Euphoria runs through my body as his touch sends the most glorious shiver down my spine. Back and forth... back and forth.... back and forth...

My eyes become heavy as I'm hypnotized by the motion of his thumb running across the hem of my shorts. A very satisfied sigh leaves my lips as I think about how amazing his touch feels against my skin.

I manage to look up at him, with wide eyes and a bright blush across my cheeks. A soft groan leaves his throat as his eyebrows furrow and a look of concern crosses his face.

"You must have no idea how hard it is for me to resist the urge to kiss these perfect lips of yours."

I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. My mind, body, and soul are being held hostage by his touch, his gaze... his words.

I stare back at him in a way I never have before... I'm seeing him in a way I never have before. Maybe I do want this. I lift my hand to his chest and drag my fingers across his collarbone.

I feel his entire body stiffen under my touch as his hand tightens around my hip. I move closer to him, no more space is between us, our lips barely an inch apart.

He doesn't reply with words.

I pulled him to me and his lips instantly went to mine.

And in between kisses, I say something to him that I'll never forget, that he'll never forget.

"I never left."


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