Chapter four: fade into you

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"Hey guys!" The girl says with hesitation. Her eyes dart from you to Miles with nervousness. You take another broken step forward, your legs ready to give out on you.

Gwen is waving at you. Gwen is waving at you.

You don't look back at Miles when you ask him, "Pinch me." He laughs as he fulfills your request, his hand going up to pinch your side. You flinch at the sharp pain.

Quickly turning back to the boy you go to yell at him and then stop once you realize that the sharp pain you felt from him was real. Which meant... Your eyes grow wide.

You don't give it a second thought because she's already in your arms. Your cheek is pressed into hers and you let out a joyous sob. "I thought I would never see you again!" Her arms are quick to round your back returning the hug.

"Surprise...!" She says trying to put her hands up for jazz hands but is failing due to your crushing embrace. You chuckled into her neck squeezing her tighter.

Miles stands there stunned. He couldn't believe what he was seeing with his eyes. How was this possible? The boy stumbled back, his back meeting his wall as he looked the girls up and down.

You finally pull away after squeezing the life out of your poor friend you look her over in the small space you created. She looked different, a little bit of good but you could feel something was off with her emotionally.

You knew now wasn't the time to ask her about it so you made a mental note to bring it up when you could.

The two of you are still on the bed and so you sit down next to the girl, "Wow." You said reaching for her hair, "You need a cut." She sheepishly smacked your hand away with raising laughter from both of you.

"Yeah, I've been told." She said with a chuckle. Miles clears his throat. You both look up at his call, "Ya'll know I'm here to right?" Gwen stands and walks toward Miles. The girl smiles as she playfully punches your boyfriend's shoulder.

"Good to see you, Miles." She gives him a big gapped tooth grin. You met the two in the middle of the room. "How are you here?" The girl turns to you and walks backward she puts a finger to her lips, "That's a secret I can't tell." And she twirls around.

Her eyes lock onto Miles's art book on his desk, "Ou, lookie here."

"Wait!" Miles lunged for his book but Gwen's reflexes were faster, she dodged him with a quick jump. She opened the book on a random page. "Oh wow." And the first thing she's met with is you.

The work is very detailed. In the drawing, you're standing on the beach and you're looking back at what anyone can assume is Miles with a bright smile. She looks from the reference picture then to the one Miles drew.

Gwen can see how he captures your beauty in his work. "Miles this is..." She flips to the next page, "Really," And the next, "Good..." And so on. Every piece of work has been a different one of you.

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