waiting [j.o]

932 17 0

Jenna Ortega

No Fame AU

in which promises are made. but will they be kept?


"I'll always be waiting for you."

Those were the last words that Jenna had ever said to you, before you two lost contact. Getting the opportunity of your lifetime at one of the most prestigious universities in the country would be a happy moment for anyone in the world.

Anyone except for a girl by the name of Y/N L/N. You were overjoyed of course. It was the thought of leaving your long-term girlfriend, Jenna Ortega, that made things miserable for you. Leaving Jenna and traveling across the country was something so devastating that you feel like you would burst into tears whenever you thought about it.

But in the end, you had no choice. Jenna reassured you that you two would be in touch. That it was okay for you to leave and chase after your dreams. But you guys never stayed in touch after that. The idea of a long-distance relationship wasn't much of an option for you either, due to how busy you two were. So you left California, and Jenna behind.


It was only after finishing your degree that you came back to California. You couldn't even visit due to the sheer amount of work that you had to face at university. You missed California, it was your home after all. You missed your family, and you missed Jenna.

Even though you two had broken up when you left, a part of you would always belong to her. Regardless of whether you liked it or not. She was your first love after all. She still had a very special place in your heart.

But you were scared. Scared of all the possibilities, that maybe Jenna wasn't waiting anymore. Maybe she had moved on, or what if she moved out of California? You just couldn't bring yourself to look for Jenna again, ignoring the nagging feeling at the back of your mind that begged you to find her.

Finally, you decided to gather up all your courage and go see her. You didn't care if she didn't live in her old house anymore, you at least had to try. So you showed up at her old place with a bouquet of flowers. Cheesy, am I right?

You were slightly taken aback when a beautiful woman with dark, brown hair opened the door. Her captivating eyes hypnotized you when you locked eyes with her. It was then when you realized that this was Jenna. Your beautiful Jenna, who had now grown into a strong, independent woman.

As soon as she saw you, a smile crept up on her face as her eyes shined with tears, both of joy and sadness. She wordlessly invited you in, the smile never leaving her face.

Jenna made her way over to you, engulfing you in a tight hug as you placed the flowers on a table nearby. Her hands snaked around your torso as she held on, almost as if she felt that you would disappear if she let go.

Her eyes lingered on your lips as her eyes begged you for consent. Once your eyes accepted her request, she wasted no time in placing her lips onto yours. The kiss conveyed so many emotions that words could never express. Love. Relief. Excitement.

Eventually, Jenna pulled away, her smile still plastered on her face as she used one hand to gently caress your face. Her eyes were focused on you the entire time.

"I told you I'd be waiting..."

guys ik it's bad ok 😭 i wrote this in like 15 min at 4am 😭

dreamy eyes | jenna ortega imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now