cheater [j.o]

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in which you catch jenna doing something which she shouldn't be.

"Jenna? I'm home!"

You called out only to get no response. It slightly concerned you, knowing that your girlfriend would always shower you with love as soon as you got home.

Setting down your bag and your jacket, you took a moment to look around. The house was cleaner than usual, you noted. Was Jenna expecting someone?

You grabbed a protein bar from the counter. Ever since Jenna and you had challenged each other to a diet, you've tried your best to cut extra sugar out of your life. Somehow though, it wasn't enough. After all, everyone has to give in to their cravings at times.

Jenna seemed to be absolutely obliterating you at the challenge.

That was the least of your concern right now though. You walked through the hallway, gripping the unopened protein bar tightly. As you neared the corner, you heard a thud from your bedroom followed by what sounded like a muffled groan.

Oh shit.

It felt like your heart was going to burst out of your chest at the rate it was beating. There was no way your sweet and caring Jenna would do this. Right?

Taking a deep breath, you reached for the door knob. You hesitated for a minute though, unsure if you really wanted to see what was behind the door. If what you thought was happening was actually true, you had no idea what would happen.

Realizing that you had to do this one way or another, you twisted the door knob and swiftly barged into the room.

What you saw though, was something you couldn't have expected.

Your girlfriend was on the floor with a box of the sugariest chocolate you had, in her hands. What shocked you more was the fact that the box was almost entirely empty.

You sighed in relief that your girlfriend wasn't actually cheating on you. She was simply cheating on the diet.

Although it relieved you, it didn't stop you from being mad.

Jenna's eyes widened as soon as she saw you and she quickly shoved the chocolate behind her back. Even then, the tiny remains of the chocolate around her lips gave her away.

"Babe- wait! I can explain." She quickly rushed to try to cover her crime.

You huffed, turning around. Sure you might've been a little dramatic, but you still couldn't believe the last three months of your life had been a lie.

"Don't. I can't even look at you right now."
You grumbled, crossing your arms, sadly Jenna knew the way to make you feel better.

"I'll share with you..." She trailed off, trying to hide the grin that was creeping up on her face.

You turned around swiftly, matching her smile.


very short and kinda cringe i'm sorry 😭

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