An Angel and a Trickster - 6

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Dean was really pissed off with Sam at the moment. Thanks to his brother getting in on the teasing, the entire campus thought he was gay, which meant convincing them otherwise would be nearly impossible.

And then Sam went and let the air out of his tires. He had made a crappy hunt even crappier.

Finally, they called Bobby in for help, because Sam was in full bitch mode about his laptop and the fact that he believed Dean had crashed it while leaving gay porno sites on it.

"What the hell is wrong with you idjits?" demanded Bobby.

Angel was bored. Loki had gone too far and now the hunters had called in reinforcements.

So here she was, watching from the rafters of the stage as Loki conjured up some half-naked girls and a really stupid looking bed when Dean came in. She had seen Sam come back in and find the 'evidence' that her boyfriend was really the trickster.

The minute he brought out such lame slasher-movie worthy fakes, she had enough.

Dean's eyes widened when Angel walked right past the chainsaw murderer, up to the trickster he was trying to stab with a stake...and grab him by the ear.

"OW! Come on babe!" said Loki yelping.

"You've had your fun. Remember, you dragged us out of nice warm beach just to play with these two chuckleheads. And I am not going to stand by and watch while you fake your own death," she said flatly.

"Who the hell are you?" asked Dean, recognizing her instantly as the chick who kept loudly claiming he was a gay guy and even got his own brother in on the act.

"My name is Angel, and this idiot is my boyfriend. You've had your fun Loki, not cut the crap before I really make you pay for those half-dressed harlots you conjured up," she said warningly.

"Come on Angel, be reasonable!"

"Be reasonable? Be reasonable? And where, exactly, did you find inspiration to make those women when you're supposed to be my boyfriend?" she hissed.

Loki openly winced.

"What the hell is going on here?" asked Bobby.

Angel looked at him and Sam.

"Let's just say Loki' witch girlfriend isn't too pleased with him and that you have the options of either leaving or getting hexed," she said flatly.

"Great...a witch on top of a trickster," complained Dean.

"Silencio!" she barked.

Dean opened his mouth to make a smart remark, only to find that his voice was gone.

"That is a silencing charm. Meaning you wont be able to speak until it either wears off, or I remove it. I could be in the Caribbean right now if Loki hadn't decided to prank you two idiots. Now either you shut the hell up, or I get really creative and turn that precious car of yours a girly pink."

Dean suddenly glared at her.

"Dude, if you even think about trying anything with my girlfriend I'll do more than let the air out of your tires. How do you think the cops will react when you were hitting on a sixteen-year-old?" asked Loki.

"What?" said Bobby, glaring at Dean now. Angel removed the glamor on her, shrinking about three inches and looking distinctly younger.

She removed the silencing charm.

"No freaking way. No way in hell does a sixteen year old get into a bar!" said Dean looking very pale now.

"Cradle robber," said Loki.

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