Sands of Time - 7

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Avatre let out a sigh of annoyance.

She had been told of the false gods that had arrived from the sky and enslaved everyone, but she honestly never thought that someone would dig out the Stargate out of the sands.

Ardeth looked a tad nervous after he received the report from his cousins in the Tomb Keepers tribe.

"This is the problem with not writing information down accurately. We could have guarded it better. At least we don't have to worry about the fools who dug it up using it...he assured me the control device was destroyed as a precaution," said Avatre.

Ardeth relaxed. Even though he was no longer a young boy who had foolishly broken into her sleeping chambers, he still felt slightly intimidated by his ancestor.

"What do we do now?"

"Right now technology isn't advanced enough for them to use it. And since it's been recovered, we need to have someone close keeping an eye on it in case the false gods find out it's been found," said Avatre firmly.

The Medjai had sent one of their best infiltrators to ensure that they knew where the Stargate was at all times. It was too dangerous a risk, even if it wasn't usable at the moment.

Humanity was ill-prepared to deal with the false gods, particularly if the stories he had told her about the pyramids being landing sites for their great ships.

Even in her time, they had barely gotten to the moon and were still very far away from properly colonizing the only other potentially inhabitable planet in their own solar system. Atem had assured her that the false gods had colonized other planets.

It didn't help that she still had the lone device he had shown her that remained of the false gods. One of the higher ups, a being known as the 'first prime' had been killed at great cost to the enslaved. The false gods had to flee very quickly and didn't bother retrieving it.

It had taken her months to figure out how to use the bloody thing, and to realize how dangerous it was.

The weapon alone was enough proof that humanity was ill-prepared for the false gods to return. They still used energy weapon that disintegrated with two hits was beyond their level of technology and would make mincemeat of any physical shields they had.


Terence looked at the disaster Evelyn Carnahan left of his poor library. So you could imagine the dismay he felt when the honored ancestor walked into it before Evelyn had a proper chance to clean the mess up.

"Oh dear. It seems you've had a very bad day, young one," said Avatre chuckling.

"Apologies, honored ancestor. I had hoped you would see my library in a better state than this," he replied.

He carefully hid the relief when the queen used her magic to discreetly right the shelves and place the books in their proper place in seconds, rather than the days it would have taken by hand.

"I'm afraid I've come with some rather unpleasant tidings. One the tribe will need to know about immediately, if only to curtail the damage that will be done," said Avatre.

Terence listened respectfully to the 'young' woman before him.

"Imhotep will awaken. Within the next month at the most and within a few weeks at the least."

"Are you certain of this?" he said with horror.

Avatre nodded.

"The seer of the Tomb Keepers alerted me. They said it was a predestined event that will proceed the return of the Supreme Medjai and must occur. The fact I distinctly remember my great-grandmother meeting her husband during this ill-fated treasure hunt doesn't hurt either," said Avatre.

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