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Waltz of the Moonlit Night
Dazai x Female Reader

Summary: A formal masquerade ball is held at the Agency, and Dazai Osamu finds himself captivated by a mysterious female attendee

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Summary: A formal masquerade ball is held at the Agency, and Dazai Osamu finds himself captivated by a mysterious female attendee. As the night goes on, the two dance and exchange words, only to discover that they are more alike than they could have ever imagined.


The Agency was hosting its annual masquerade ball, a grand affair where guests were dressed in their finest attire, faces hidden behind intricate masks. The venue was adorned with glittering chandeliers, golden accents, and delicate flower arrangements, creating an atmosphere of opulence and mystique.

Dazai Osamu, a skilled member of the Armed Detective Agency, was leaning against a pillar, observing the dancers as they swirled across the ballroom floor. His eyes scanned the room, searching for something, or someone, to hold his interest. Though he appeared nonchalant, his keen mind was always at work, analyzing every detail.

That's when he spotted her.

A woman dressed in a flowing gown of midnight blue, her slender form a vision of elegance and grace. Her face was obscured by a delicate silver mask adorned with sparkling jewels, leaving only her enchanting eyes visible. Dazai felt an inexplicable pull towards her, a curiosity he couldn't ignore.

As he approached, the woman seemed to sense his presence, turning to face him. She regarded him with a mixture of surprise and intrigue, her eyes narrowing slightly behind her mask.

"May I have this dance?" Dazai asked, extending his hand with a charming smile.

The woman hesitated for a moment before placing her hand in his, her slender fingers brushing against his palm. Together, they joined the other dancers on the floor, moving in rhythm with the soft music.

As they danced, Dazai couldn't help but notice the way the woman's eyes seemed to hold a world of secrets, her every movement precise and calculated. She was undeniably captivating, and Dazai found himself wanting to know more about her.

"What's your name?" he inquired, his voice low and smooth.

The woman hesitated, as if weighing her options, before finally replying, "You may call me [Y/N], And you, sir?"

"Dazai Osamu," he replied without hesitation, his eyes never leaving hers.

For a moment, [Y/N]looked taken aback, as if she recognized his name. But just as quickly, her expression smoothed over, and she asked, "What brings you to this ball, Dazai-san?"

In that instant, Dazai sensed something within her – a kindred spirit, perhaps. Someone who, like him, was accustomed to the shadows and the secrets they held. He decided to test his theory.

"I'm searching for someone," he replied enigmatically, his gaze never wavering. "Someone who can understand the darkness within me, yet isn't afraid to face it."

[Y/N]'s eyes widened ever so slightly, and Dazai knew he had struck a chord. She remained silent for a few beats, seemingly contemplating her response.

"I, too, am searching for someone," she finally admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "Someone who can see past the mask I wear and accept me for who I truly am."

Their words hung in the air between them, a silent acknowledgement of their shared desires. The music continued to play, their bodies moving.

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