Chapter five: You're Undead to Me
Stefan entered the underground dungeon and stopped in front of the celler that held Damon with the vervain, making the older brother weak.
Damon -who laid on the floor far away from the vervain- stirred a bit in pain when he heard his younger brother stopping in front of the celler.
"Where is my ring?"
"Won't be needing it anymore."
"How long have I been here?"
"Three days."
"What are you doing?"
"During the dark ages when a vampire's actions threatened to expose or bring harm upon the entire race, they would face judgment. They sought to reeducate them rather than to punish them."
"You know what will happen if I don't... Feed on blood."
"You'll grow weaker and weaker. Eventually you won't be able to move or speak. In a week your skin will desiccate, and you'll mummify. A living corpse. Unable to hurt anyone. Ever."
"So what, you're just going to leave me in the basement, forever?"
"I've injected you with enough vervain to keep you weak. Once your circulation stops, I'll move you to the family crypt, and then in 50 years, we can reevaluate."
"I'm stronger than you think."
"You always have been. But you're not stronger than the vervain. And we both know it."
Damon didn't say anything knowing Stefan was right and the youngest saw that.
"I'm sorry. Didn't have to be this way."
Stefan turned around to go upstairs, but he froze when Damon spoke again.
"And Thanos?"
"What did Thanos say about my situation to you?"
Stefan said nothing remembering what Nathaniel said...
Nothing, Nathaniel said nothing to him since finding out that Stefan put Damon in a celler full of vervain after he came home after the Ball three days ago.
Stefan couldn't stand the looks Nathaniel gave him everytime he tried to talk to his oldest brother.
Damon understood by Stefan's silence what Nathaniel said to the youngest.
Stefan and Damon both knew that Nathaniel would let them do anything as long as they didn't hurt eachother too hard.
"Where is he?"
The Oldest Brother
FanfictionNathaniel Salvatore is the oldest brother of Damon and Stefan Salvatore. He never thought that returning to Mystic Falls would change his life forever.