DREAMING (5/13/2019)

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Dear Diary


Walking up to a one story dark grey house, I look through the living room window, and see that no one's in there. As I slowly open the door, I then walk into the house, and stand in the living room. With red and black lit candles lined in front of a long oval mirror on the floor, I walk up to the mirror, and look at my reflection, as a large purple dragon appears at the front door.

With it standing in the door frame, he then squeezes himself through the front door, and walks up to me, and says, "Hey Luna. Are you ready?"

"Ready for what?" I ask, as I turn around, and look up at him. Staring into its dark green eyes, I then say, "Boy! You've grown."

"We're going down the hill," the dragon says with a smile, as we walk out of the house. Standing on top of the hill, I look towards the city, and the dragon then says, "Do you see the black, brownish, red smoke, and flames down there? That's a city. It's on fire! That's where you need to go."

"Why?" I ask, as I jump on its back.

"Because!" the dragon says, as he begins to run down the hill. As we get to the bottom of the hill, I jump off the dragon, and he then says, "There is something there for you!"

"Am I going there alone?" I ask.

"No! Your friend should be coming soon," the dragon says, as it ascends in the air. With the dragon flying away, he then yells, "I'll see you later."

Standing there and watching the dragon fly up the hill, Geo walks towards me, and says, "Hey Luna! You wouldn't believe it, but every house that's in the city is almost burnt down. There's only a couple of houses left standing. Let's check it out."

As we walk towards the town, we then approach a closed metal gate with two grey gargoyles sitting on each side. With them perched on the concrete columns, and with their wings tucked in, they stare down at us, and I look back up at them, as I push the gate open.

"Why are they staring at us?" I ask Geo, as we pass them.

"I'm not sure why? They weren't here before I left," he says, as the gargoyle to the left of us opens its wings, and flies into town. With it circling around a house, it then lands on the peak of the roof, and he then says, "I think it wants us to go into that house. It's not even burnt down."

"Well! Let's check it out," I say, as we walk to the house. As we stand on the porch, I then say, "I'm pretty sure that no one's here."

"Yeah, I noticed that too. Let's go in," he says, as he points up to the gargoyle.

"Alright! What do you think is in there?"

"I'm not sure. Let's find out," he says, as he opens the front door, and I walk into the living room with him behind me.

Sensing that no one's in there, I then say, "I was right there's no one in the house! I'll go upstairs. You go check out the kitchen."

"Okay!" he says, as he heads into the kitchen.

Walking upstairs, and into an empty bedroom, a ghostly male is tied onto a surgical bed. With him looking at me, he then slowly raises his head, and asks, "You want to untie me? Or do you just want to stand there, and just stare at me?"

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