you forget a date (requested)

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"Baby, I'm home!" You said as you walked through the front door.

Rosé was sitting on the sofa with her phone in her hand and the tv on, some random film playing to keep her mind off of things.

"How was your day, sweet girl?"

She didn't say anything as you sat down beside her.

"Are you okay?"

She looked at you but continued to remain silent.

"Baby? Are you upset with me or something?"

She didn't react.

She just sat in silence, refusing to do more than look at you that once.

"What'd I do?"

You sat there momentarily, thinking hard about what the day might've held.

You had work while she had the day off but she wasn't mad about that because she knew that you had no choice but to go in.

That couldn't be the issue.

She was giving you the silent treatment for something though and you had to figure out why.

And it dawned on you a moment later just as you thought about making dinner for the two of you to make up for whatever you did wrong.

You had forgotten the date you were supposed to go on.

It had completely slipped your mind.

And you felt so terrible.

"Oh, Rosie, baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to forget our date."

She looked at you, her jaw clenched and a look of sadness in her eyes.

"I'm truly sorry. Let me make it up to you!"

She shook her head wordlessly and stared at the tv as she set her phone down.

You began to try and think of ways you could make this better and make it all up to her but the more you did, the more stressed you felt.

And that's when you felt the start of a migraine come on.

"Oh, god," You groaned.

You often get them from stress and Rosie knows this.

And as upset with you as she was, she was quick to drop it and care for you because she was worried.

She knows how excruciating these can get for you and she could tell from the second you let out the groan that left your lips, it was going to be a bad one.

"Are you okay?"

"No. I've got a bad migraine."

She turned off the tv before taking your hand.

"Come on. Let's go up to bed."

You stood up and she guided you up the stairs before helping you into bed.

"Do you feel sick at all?"

"A little."

You buried your face in the pillow as she closed the curtains and turned off the light.

"I'm sorry, Rosie. I didn't mean to forget our date. I feel so awful."

"Don't. It's alright, I forgive you." She said as she laid down beside you.

"Just like that?"

"Do you want me to stay mad at you?" She joked.

"No, of course not. I don't like it when you're mad at me. But I just feel so bad for forgetting."

"Y/N, I've forgotten things before too. It happens. What matters is we talk things out and get on the same page so we're okay."

"Are we okay?" You asked in concern.

"Of course we are. We always will be. Look, you forgot a date. Was I disappointed? Yes. But you'll make it up to me, I know it."

"I promise I will."

"I know." She smiled as she pulled you into her arms. "For now, just forget about it and focus on feeling better. We can worry about rescheduling our date later. I just want you to relax and stop stressing."

You sighed contentedly as she kissed your head, your eyes slipping shut.

"I'm here. I've got you."

You relaxed in her embrace and hummed as she held you close, keeping you warm and cozy.

You buried your face in her shirt and drifted off to sleep as she played with your hair, comforting you through your migraine, promising she wouldn't let you go until you felt better.

Rosé Imagines - book three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now