you get Hank to help tell her that you're pregnant (requested)

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Rosie dragged her feet into the bedroom with a sigh.

"Hey, baby. You're home!" You cheerfully said and, right away, Rosé perked up.

"Hi." She smiled as she came over to you.

She kissed your lips lovingly before brushing a lock of hair behind your ear.

"How was your day today?" You asked as she sat down beside you.

"Not too bad. Much better now that I'm home with you." She smiled. "How about yours?"

"Great." You grinned. "I found something out that I think you're going to be very happy about."

"Oh yeah? What's that?" She asked curiously.

Just as she did, Hank entered the room and jumped up onto the bed.

"Hi, baby!" She told him as she picked him up and gave him kisses.

She brushed her fingers through his fur before glancing down at him.

"What's that? What do you have on?" She wondered as she looked closely at the bandana he had on.

When she left today, he wasn't wearing anything.

It's not unusual that he gets into something as he tends to get gifts from the brands she works with but this was different.

It was a blue bandana and there was some writing on it, which made her even more curious.

"What's it say?"

She looked a little closer at it before a gasp left her lips.

"Big brother?"

She looked at you to find you placing something down in front of her and when she picked it up, she saw that it was a positive pregnancy test.

"Oh, my god." She quietly said before looking at you.

Recently, you went over your options on how to start your family together, and the one that appealed to you most was IVF.

Neither of you was sure if it would work the first time around but you were hoping it would with everything in you both.

And judging by the happy tears in your eyes, she could see that you were just as excited as she was.

"Oh, my god. We're having a baby!" She exclaimed.

You threw your arms around her and she held you close as Hank began to bark and wag his tail excitedly.

"You're going to be a big brother, Hank! We're having a baby! Are you excited?" Rosé grinned.

He barked again and you both laughed and gave him a couple of kisses before she gently cupped your cheeks.

"I love you so much." She whispered.

"I love you too." You said as she put her forehead against yours. "And I love our baby."

"Me too." She grinned before gently laying you on your back.

She lifted her shirt that you had on and then pressed a few kisses to your stomach.

"Our baby is in here..." She said in awe, unable to stop smiling. "I can't believe it. You're pregnant. We're having a baby... finally."

She leaned in to kiss your lips once more before she started to kiss your face, making you laugh happily.

She gently put her hand on your stomach and brushed her fingers against your soft skin.

"We can't wait to meet you." She said as she continued to caress your stomach. "We love you so much already."

You giggled as Hank barked once more, making Rosie smile against your skin.

"All three of us."

Rosé Imagines - book three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now