4) Fuck Family

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"You are not obligated to have relationships with family members who are not good for your mental health."

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My heart was racing and I was struggling to breath as I let my thoughts get the best of me. The fear took no time before settling in followed by a million thoughts flooding my mind. Did Christina and Lee send Ezra after me? Did Ezra get himself in more trouble with Barry? Did Lee lay a hand on Ezra again? Did Ezra get kicked out? Is Christina drunk again? Does Lee have another woman over?

I was yanked out of my thoughts when I heard my name being called. "Maya?! Maya, is that you?" I raised my head, looking towards the direction of the voice. Somehow while I was deep in thought I had arrived home.

A completely and obviously drunk Christina walked towards me, stumbling over her own feet. Ezra isn't far behind her, making sure the drunk woman didn't fall.

"Shes drunk." I looked up at Ezra whose lip was freshly busted.

"Didnt notice." My brother scoffed.

"I am not drunk! I'm just *hiccup* worried about my dear daughter!" Christina screamed at my brother.

"Yeah yeah, okay. Help me get her inside?" He asked me, his face begging me to say yes. I rolled my eyes before throwing my arm under one of hers, making sure I was holding her up. Ezra did the same on the other side and we worked together to drag her into the house.

"I am not a child! Put me down!" Christina screamed the moment we got through the doorway. Me being done with her bullshit, removed my arm from under hers causing her legs to give out. Ezra struggled to hold her upright as he shot me a glare.

Somehow my brother managed to drag the drunk woman to the coach and lay her down on it. Not soon after she began snoring loudly. What a sad drunk she was, maybe that's where I got it from?

"So is she what was so urgent or does it have to do something with your fucked up lip?" I asked him, trying to sound like a responsible adult.

"Both actually. Ummm, dad brought another woman over and mom caught him balls deep in her and lost her shit. I wasn't home when she did but when I got here she was approximately 5 beers in and half a wine bottle down and Lee was a raging mess. I laid into him about it and I think you know the rest." My brother sighed as he leaned up against the wall. As annoying as my brother was, it pained me to see him this way.

He relied on Lee and Christina for money and a place to stay, so he couldn't just leave like I did. He still expected them to be parents, even though they were anything but.

I let out a deep breath before grabbing him by the arm, pulling him towards the stairs. "Lets go get you cleaned up." I mumbled as I led him to my bathroom.

I pushed open my bedroom door but stopped when I caught the sight of my room. "What the fuck?!" I yelled as I let go of my brother who stood in shock behind me. My shit was thrown everywhere. Books that were once on my bookcase were scattered across my floor, clothes were thrown out of drawers, and my bed was taken apart.

"Oh fuck. Shit shit shit!" I yelled as I ran over to my dresser. There were only two things that one of my parents would trash my room to find, either my brother's extra stash or my box of money. Both of which were located in my dresser, underneath the bottom drawer.

I kneeled down on the floor, reaching for my bottom drawer. Ezra noticed what I was looking for and ran over, peering over my shoulder. I could tell he was scared to death that Lee stole his stash, but knowing Lee he would have looked through Ezra's room first if that's what he really wanted.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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