Chapter 1 - Recruits

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YEAR 2027

I was born thirteen years before the attack of Demons. It was my fourteenth birthday when the Demons attacked. My mother and Father died, and I lost my brother and haven't seen him since. I believe he is dead, even if he is two years older than myself. I've been training myself with a gun ever since that day. I'm sixteen now, and I've switched from pistols to snipers. Before the attack, my father was a sniper in the Canadian army, and he showed me his sniper on every one of my birthdays, even when I was just one. My father taught me how to shoot a sniper when I was seven, and I kept onto that memory forever. Today was the day. I'm going to join the recruits and become the best out of all of them. Snapping back to reality, I laugh to myself. I'm hilarious! I will be the best though..

And thats how my day began. I walked out of my apartment room with my fathers sniper. That's the only object I have that reminds me of him. I don't have anything like pictures, just my fathers sniper. Slinging the sniper around my shoulder I begin the long terrible walk to where the recruits to join either Seekers, Blood Demon Saviours, or Justice. As I arrive near the field, I mentally sigh. Looking up a mountain of stairs, I literally cry. "Why! This of all things, this is so cliche!" I scream out. Kill me now. Slowly, but surely I start to trudge up the giant staircase uphill.

Finally I reach the top of the stairs. I look down and start laughing, as I see another person struggling to get up. "You're probably going to be going up the stairs for an hour!" I shout at the person walking to the entrance.

Even though, I have to admit it took me a good hour and about twenty minutes to get up...

I just want to laugh, at all the pain I have seen others go through, as well as myself. I start smiling like a crazed person, I can't help but burst into a fit of laughter! "Okay, Laughy shut up. If you are a recruit, take this bracelet, and walk out the door labeled 'Recruits Field'." I immediately shut up as the old hag secretary spoke.

"Tch..." That secretary is a bitch!

The secretary glares daggers at my head as I grab the bracelet snapping it onto my wrist, and walking through the door. I'm astonished as I see around One-HUNDRED recruits training! I notice an adult in a uniform holding a clipboard. I approach the adult feeling intimidating, because I being 5'6, and the adult being 5'1. "Hello! Are you a recruit? Oh, dumb me.. Of course you are! Just show me your bracelet so I know your ID, and answer some questions." She says politely. I hold my right hand out to her, so she can inspect my bracelet. I watch her as she scribbles something down on her clipboard, and stare at my bracelet. When I got it, it was green.. Now it is blue..? Wait no it's changing purple...? What is going on!? "Oh right! Here is this paper, the bracelet shows what mood you are, so if you're angry someone will know to stay away from you. The paper tells you what emotion you're feeling!" She giggles out, and slowly, I watch the bracelet turn back green. I stare at the paper looking for what green meant.

'Normal - A mix between Happy, Sad, and Angry. Balancing all your emotions.'

I'm kinda freaked out by now...

"Right question time! 1. What is your first and last name? 2. What birth gender are you? 3. What's your favourite colour? 4. Are you allergic to anything? 5. What weapon do you preform best with? 6. Why are you here? 7. Are you a Demon? 8. Have you had any surgeries, or accidents. And that's it! Just answer one question at a time." The polite stranger says. "1. I'm Kage Sachimura, 2. I am a female, 3. Indigo, 4. Not anything I know of, 5. Sniper, I have my own, 6. I want to avenge my parents, find my brother and be the best sniper, 7. I may need testing, I have never been tested but I don't believe I'm Demon, 8. No." I say in one breath impressing myself!

Oh yeah! New record, I think of that as announcing a whole paragraph in a breath!

She nods, scribbling down everything I said, by everything, I mean EVERYTHING! Even me thinking 'Oh yeah! New record, I think of that as announcing a whole paragraph in a breath!' I'm thinking she is a mind reader... She dismisses me and tells me to go to the tall 6' man in a blue Patrols uniform. I start walking towards him, I believe, and hope my training starts! It will suck if I have to redo EVERYTHING I did while I trained myself. I smile with confidence, and feel a fire to kill Demons glint in my violet eyes.


Yess chapter one! I'm happy I got this out, and TOMORROW I promise to post a new chapter of 'Midnight's Revenge'! I'm a slacker, R.I.P. Quick summary of Kage:

Name: Kage Sachimura; Kage meaning 'Shadow'

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Personality: Stubborn, Mature, Creative, Bipolar, and Strange

Traits: Calm, Rude/Kind, Artistic (Musically and Art-wise), Stealthy, Trigger-Quick, Mount-Lover

Hair: Long, Wavy, Lilac

Eyes: Deep, Dark, Violet

Height: 5'6

Favourite Songs: Goodbye -Glen Morrison, Riptide -Vance Joy, Putting the Dog to Sleep -The Antlers, Noah's Ark -Young Heretics, I Know I'm a Wolf -Young Heretics, (BASICALLY Kage seems to be very emo..)

P.S. Want to know more about the character(s)? Just comment and I MIGHT make a blog all about the characters and books,

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