Chapter 3 - Gold Bullets

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I woke up feeling a warm embrace. I snuggle into the warmth, then realizing that whomever it was is probably a stranger, I jump out of the embrace and land on my butt, on the dark wood floor. I look up at the bed and see sleepy eyes staring at me, with laughter following the glance. I stand up and punch the guy in the arm. "Who the hell are you!?" I silently shout, not wanting to wake any other recruits up. "Raito." He says, dumbfounded. Then I remember, "Owh, right.. YOU'RE MIIIIIINE!" I laugh jumping on his back. "Nooo, Kage I can't see! Let me put my glasses on, and we need to train.." Raito softly explains.

He wears glasses? That makes him even more gorgeous!

"Hurry up and get changed, so we can leave!" I shout, then I watch as he blushes.

I forgot, he is a boy.

My face reddens and I turn away. "Now get changed, and make it quick!" I shout, still blushing.

I never thought I would blush this much because a boy needed to change.. Wait, I should be blushing... I'M NOT A PERVERT!

"Done, lets go now.." Raito states. "Okay.. I have a question..." I say facing him as we walk out the room and into the hallway. "Hmm?" He replies, cleaning his glasses. "What weapon do you use? You already know mine.." I ask, "My weapon is a lightweight longsword, as well as dual pistols." He smiles, putting his glasses back on. And after that we were silent. As we walked down the halls, boys were staring, most likely thinking;

Why is there a girl in the boys quarters?! And why of all guys here, is she with Raito! He is such a girl, with his pretty-boy eyes and hair!

I snicker, thinking of guys complaining like that. Raiko looks at me curiously, but lets it go.

As we stepped on the recruit training field in hand-to-hand combat, an officer confronted us. "I was told a female recruit was found in the boys quarter, and you miss.. Kodai, seem to be the only female by a male." He speaks, rather boldly. "Might as well, I mean the world is probably going to end soon. Why not have fun living everyday you can, you live everyday, but you die once, and never come back. Live life fun, not in a box. Don't tell me what to do." I state back, nonchalantly. I really didn't want this officer telling me how to live, or what to do. He was speechless, none the less. And I wanted to laugh in his poor face. "Officer, I challenge you to a combat battle. Accept or deny, you're going to make a fool of yourself." Battle training stops, as everyone hears me challenge an officer. "No backing out now, everyone is watching." I lowly whisper, smirking. Everyone probably thought I was acting to cocky, but I know my limits. "Okay." The officer says, smirking.

Thinking he is going to win. Not today.

The whistle blows, as the officer comes charging at me. Swiftly I dodge left and try to trip him, only making him stumble, but his defence didn't drop the slightest. As he stands up recovering, I run quickly and snatch his leg pulling it, and making him fall. He jumps up and starts punching me, as I go into a blocking stance. I drop my arms down, and it's as if time has slowed down for me. As his arm moves to punch me across the face, I roundhouse kick him. Knocking him to the ground choking. Time goes back to normal, as he stands up again. We start throwing punches, as well as curses. As he gets prepared to deliver the "Final Blow" I jab him in the side with my fingers, making him fall to his knees, and kick him in the gut. I'm laughing on the inside. A silent giggle leaves my mouth, as my blood drips from my arms. I could have ended the battle quicker, but I wanted more fun. My eyes turned to slits as I spoke, "Someone else fight me, please." I smile. A fake smile, but every recruit believes it, except one. A girl taller than me, approx 5' 8 or 5' 9 challenges me. I decide to end it quickly, and as soon as the whistle blows, I dodge every punch, throw and kick she tries to hit me with, and punch her in the face. She falls backwards slightly, and almost hits me in the face, and while she retrieves her hand I punch her in the gut. She passes out, tremendous pain washing over her. I only know the pain of a punch like that to the gut because my Uncle trained me, the hard, cruel way. I yawn. "Raito I'm tired. Sorry I wasted your time, I will train with you!" I smile, "I'll pass on training with you now, but okay." He replies chuckling. I laugh, his company is warm. He is my first friend. Picking me up bridal style, he carries me back to the boys quarters.

We enter the room we first met, and I leap from his arms onto the bed. My eyes follow him as he walks to the bedside cabinet. Raito pulls out a reddish wooden case, that's obviously not empty. Carrying the box over to the bed and sitting across from me, he opens it. "These are Demon Bane Golden Bullets. Specially created for killing Demons, my father gave them to me before I left to be a recruit. I'm probably not going to use them much because my sword, but you have a sniper, and I trust you with the bullets." He smiles at me, and I smile back. He takes a bullet and places it in his hand. Rolling it through his fingers, and drops it into my palm. My skin burns under it, and Raito's eyes widen. I'm confused, and pain is surging through my hand. Raito jumps off the bed, stepping away from me.

"Wait, don't leave me! I need you, aren't you my.... friend?"

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