Chapter 4 - The Result

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Raito ran out the room shouting "OFFICER, OFFICER!" While I just cry on the mattress which feels hard as a stone. I can't breathe by now, I'm always betrayed. By friends and family. No friends, and abandoned by my brother that never came back. 

A blurry Raito and Officer enter the room, my hand being swollen due to the bullet in present in my hand. The Officer knocks me out with some drug, and my body goes limp as I fade into a dark, depressing, unconsciousness. 

When I awaken, I'm in a white room that stinks. Needles and poking out of my arms, my blood being sucked into a tube and out of me. My arms are numb, even if I just woke up. I feel like I lost half the blood in my body, and it was terrible. I glanced at my arms, which were very pale do to the loss of blood. "Good afternoon Kage." A kind-eyed older man in a lab coat speaks to me, holding a glass of water and putting it beside my bed. "I have some unfortunate news, and you will hate it due to your past..." He continues, and I am very scared by what he might say. My body trembles, I cry, I scream, "Why did this happen to me!" All because of one sentence.

"You are nearly three-quarter Demon, Kage."

More needles with tubes are jabbed into my arms, I keep thrashing, but soon the powerful drug takes over and I pass out again.

This time, I awaken to nobody around, and silence. Remembering the glass of water the doctor left, I grab it, swallowing every last drop of the water.

My tastebuds suddenly regenerate, and I immediately taste metal. Taking my finger, and sliding it across my tongue, I look at my finger and realize. Blood. I start gagging myself, and as I puke up the clear fluid back into the cup, I realize that floating around in the water were tiny cut up pieces of heart. My stomach turns, and I puke on the beige tile floor. 

The taste of blood lingers in my mouth, and I start panicking, and soon I get angry. Angry at the doctor for putting heart in my water, angry at Raito for running away from me, angry at my family for dying, and angry at myself for being a demon. Now I would never get to avenge my parents, and I am a demon. I start punching myself in the gut, anger flooding through my body, for I never wanted this to happen. As I'm punching myself, I start coughing up blood and even though that's not good, I continue. All I can taste is blood, all I can see is red, and I wish it was over. I'm a monster, worse than any Demon, and worse than any human. Demons kill to survive, to live but they can only live off of taking human lives. Taking their heart. And humans, humans always claim to kill to eat, when truly they kill for game. I'm both, making me worse than Demon or human, I'm a hybrid, I'm a failure, what would my parents think of me? 

As I cough up more blood, a nurse enters and realizes what I'm doing. "DOCTOR!! I NEED A DOCTOR OVER HERE!" The nurse shouts, I watch as another nurse enters, and soon a doctor, but I can't hear anything. I see people shouting, but a bright white haze is surrounding my vision, and I pass out. 

 As I awaken, I see a family eating dinner at a small table. A black haired woman dressed casually, a tall dark brunette man also dressed casual, as well as two children. One a seemingly older brother with dark brown hair, and a little girl with long black hair. In the middle of the table, there appears to be a birthday cake with fourteen candles. Then it hits me. This is me and my family the day of the attack. All the faces focus, the woman being my mother is a gorgeous woman laughing, my father handsome singing terribly which was causing everyone to laugh, my older brother laughing, and myself laughing at my fathers singing. Everyone was so happy, but what I expected didn't happen. The Demons didn't appear, but my ears grew pointy, my teeth grew longer into fangs, my nails turned into claws, and I grew a black/grey tail. I could only watch this dream in horror, as I started killing my family slowly, blood splattering the walls, and my cake. My brother can't escape this time. The Demon me in this horrible nightmare, grabs his legs and swings him around, and as she releases him... He goes flying into a fan, getting caught. His blood splatters over the living room, and everyone is dead. I killed them.

 I'm screaming, I'm thrashing, I'm crying, and I'm awake. Raito awakens, and stares at me wide-eyed. "Are you okay?" He asks, starting to hold my hand. I cry even harder, and I move towards him, and I know what I dreamt wasn't a dream. But a reality, I was a demon, but I couldn't let Raito know. "I'm a monster." Is all I can say, and Raito just rubs my back hushing me. I curl up to him and I'm still crying. "You are not a monster. Do not say that." Raito tells me, I shake my head no. "You don't understand, and I don't want you to." I spit out, my voice shaky, as I tremble. I hug Raito tightly, "Never leave me, even if something bad happens, even if I'm a Demon, even if I'm in a different team than you, even is the world ends. Never leave me, please.." I tell him, "Okay." He promises, and I fall asleep in his arms.  

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