Chapter 5 - Fight!

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Raito was basically skipping as we journeyed to the somewhat close training grounds. I sigh aloud, he is WAY to energetic about training today. Raito laughed at my expressionless face, and the 'dramatic' sigh. It's been exactly a week since I had the nightmare. I can never shake it off my mind, so lately I've been absent-minded. "I hope today you will finally live up to your promise and fight against me! You've just been so upset, and I was thinking, and hoping, that you would finally train with me?" Raito  speaks out of the blue, snapping me into reality. "Uh... Yeah, sure..." I speak, taken aback by his question. Suddenly, Raito stops skipping, and I slam into his back. "What happened last week, the night you had your nightmare. You've been different ever since.." He plainly spoke, sounding almost cold. "If you don't mind me asking of course!" He laughs. I get the slight feeling that Raito is possibly Bi-polar. "Nothing." I reply, "Hurry up, and lets train!" I reply, smiling, grabbing his hand, and then running. I now get the feeling he thinks I'm Bi-polar. Of course not.

We finally enter the training grounds, after what seemed like a hour long walk with slight running. "Sachimura, Okami, you're late. Hurry and get started I suspend you. Being late is like breaking the law here, you better remember that." The Officer at the main entrance scolds us. I lightly laugh, scratching the back of my head, nodding. "Hand-to-hand?" I ask him, Raito nods fine with Hand-to-Hand combat. 

As we stand on the arena, AKA mattress, I stare at Raito and he seems slightly nervous, and I appreciate what he is doing. Even though he doesn't want to, he wants to train with me to make me feel better. I smile, and a whistle blows signalling we can start. 

Before he has time to react, I've already charged at him. He is surprised, but stands his ground, as I'm about to hit him, he dodges left, and I send my leg out kicking him in the gut. I recover from charging, but Raito is already throwing punches. One nearly hits me, but I just manage to dodge. I'm stuck on the defensive, and there is nothing for me to do. As he aims to punch me, time slows down, and I duck below the punch, thrusting my leg forward and kicking him in the ankle, knocking him over. Time speeds up again, and Raito is on the ground. I immediately grab his arm and pin him. Currently, I was going easy on him, when his strength surprised me. He launched me across the mattress, leaving me panting and out of breath. He runs towards me so quickly, I can barely indicate where he will move, or where he is. As he is moving lightning speed and is about to kick me, I grab his leg and just barely throw him to the ground. He groans in pain, as his back and head hits the mattress, that was basically no better than a hardwood floor. I feel the urge to laugh, and turn away for less than a second, and Raito has me pinned to the ground. "Damnit." I mumble, I know he heard me because he chuckles. I have ten seconds to escape before he wins the match. I'm desperately searching for an egress, and find one.

He won't expect this...

"5...4...3...-" And then I tickle him. He starts laughing, and falls off me, then it's my turn to pin him, again... As soon as I stop tickling him, "That's just cold!" He shouts at me jokingly, and that is how I beat him.

After the match, Raito walks up to me and starts tickling me! "Nooooo, stooooooop!" I shout, laughing. At this rate, I'll laugh so hard I'd get suspended for being to loud! "Stooop~" I laugh out, smacking Raito. And then he stops, laughing at me. "Now that was cold..." I say (o>w<o)

After that match, I was tired. So I made Raito give me a piggyback ride back to the sleeping chambers, and whenever he slowed down I would shout, "Move quicker you snail!" Then bop him on the head. And that's how that day ended, it was great. And then the next day ruined it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2015 ⏰

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