Part 25

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" I legit had to say that to her so many ways because I was getting tired of her she didn't even know the definition of your family name like I do "

Yeah,she should be ashamed of herself.

She was so disrespectful.

She really needs to learn to stay away because I won't tolerate anyone who doesn't respect Tommy.

You never disrespect Tommy.

That girl is just awful!

She should be ashamed of herself!

" Tommy let's go home and tell your family about all of this I'm quite tired and want to go home with you while you explain everything to your family"

Okay,let's go home,they need to hear about what just happened.

* Tommys hand and they went home*

Tommy,my love,when we get home you are gonna have to tell your family all about this girl so that they can help us to get rid of her.

We need to make sure that she stays clear of you,she really tried to separate us and I am not going to let that happen ever!!

"Mm? Tommy do recalled what I said to you when we meeted up and I told you; Oh how we meet my thomas, but yes we have meet before in our past lives and you can't remember but yes we are soulmate my dear. But my name is "Lomasi" which I explain to you what it meant in other words I'll say them again love, the meaning of the name is "Pretty Flower".but I call you "Rey" and "Guapo" which were nicknames I called you.

And you said; Lomasi, is a beautiful name. Very unique. And my, how many lives I must have lived for me not to recall such a beautiful person.

Yes,we have met before!

*Shelby was very happy,he was happy that she had met Tommy before and they had been soulmates even before they were together as a couple and even before they were with a family.

I am so happy that you have called me by my nickname,that means alot to me because not many people do that.

Thank you,my Lomasi.

" I'm thankful for you tommy but you still have to explain to your family, I'm just so tired and sleepy and just want to rest while you talk to your family"

You rest,I will talk to them and when you wake up,we will talk some more,okay,my love??

Okay,I'll be here for you.

* Tommy a kiss as he walks over to his family and he talks to them for a little while about what happened earlier,Shelby told them everything and he told them that this was the last time that they were ever going to hear about this girl ever again,Shelby would take it upon himself to make sure this girl would be gone for good.

**As I'm asleep knowing tommy will be there to comfort me and sleep with me to insure I'm safe**

*Shelby returned to Tommy's room as he was asleep,tommy kissed her softly on the neck and was careful not to wake her up*

I'm right here,my love.

*Tommy climbed into bed with Lomasi and she wrapped her arms around him as he kept sleeping,Tommy held an arm onto Lomasi as she slept and she laid her head on his chest,Tommy never wanted to leave Lomasi and he just wanted to be right by her side and be under his protection forever*

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