Weigh Anchor

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"The sky is especially clear tonight." Finn said softly, staring up in delight. "That'll make navigating a whole lot easier."

Escher glanced up too to see the glowing constellations that scattered themselves above their heads. His fingers gently plucked at the strings of his instrument, the only sound that broke the repeated crashing of waves against the ship. He looked back at his Captain, a man of the tritons, a fish-like creature with scaly skin and webbed fingers, though Finn specifically seemed to take on an appearance most akin to that of a puffer-fish. His flesh a gradient between tan and sandy browns to a pearly white across his chest and stomach. The toxic spikes that littered his skin made him just that little bit more fearsome in combat, although, as Escher found himself considering often, much less of a good hugger.

"Aye Captain... perhaps you won't get us lost this time, that would make a nice change..."
The triton tilted his head in mild annoyance, "You could always learn to be our navigator Escher, instead of leaning into the 'romantic' concept of being the stowaway you seem to have embraced."
Escher shrugged and continued strumming. The upbeat tune told Finn that he wasn't really listening. The bard usually just sat lazily atop one of the barrels on deck but at least he kept crew spirits high, high enough at least for Finn to not mind the cost of a fifth set of rations. And, truth be told, Escher was the easiest to feed... the crew was rather a mish-mash of strange members.
In the galley right now was likely Togg, master of medicine, ship maintenance and self-appointed chef. An ancient orc, one that Escher frequently joked was likely to drop dead any day now. There was also Rumble, a Warlock Bronze Dragonborn, the master-gunner and powder-monkey, the one who maintained the ships weapons and defenses; should trouble find its way to them. Finally there was Enzo, the muscle and the reason that this particular piece of trouble had found its way onto the ship.
"If I'm such an inconvenience to have around, you're welcome to throw me back." The blonde said with his usual incredibly cocky smirk.

"We both know Enzo would crush my skull for the act. You're staying. At least, until we return to the port at The City of Splendor, or-" The Captain's gills puckered slightly, "Or until Enzo takes a new fancy."

The bard raised an eyebrow, skeptical, before hopping up onto his feet to stand on the barrel. "He would never, would you, big man?" he turned to address the goliath that sat beside him on the deck. A man so huge that even sat, his square shoulders reached as tall as the keg behind him.

The goliath smiled, having not listened at all to the conversation, no thought behind his eyes. "Never." He shook his head, before pausing, and looking up curiously at the Escher. "What- what am I never doing?"
Escher grinned, raising his instrument, "Never leaving me behind Enzo! We're going to see the world, the five of us."
Finn folded his arms. "We're going to see the port of Murann."
"Murann is a start!" The bard cried, stubbornly maintaining his grin and beginning to play one of his most complicated tunes, much to Enzo's delight as the goliath's face lit up in wonder.
Escher had a place here. Even Finn only jokingly threatened to put him to work. Once they'd completed their shipment delivery, they could explore the port, a new city, at least for Escher, and beyond that, together they could see what the jungle around Murann had in store.
As Escher played, he considered all this, his strumming on automatic and punctuated by Enzo's clapping. His new little audience somehow made him feel more like one of those stars above him than any audience back home in their taverns had. This was the start of his hero's journey. The start of his story. What a story it would be. 


The tavern erupted into applause, Escher held his pose a moment; flustered, panting, a wild grin across his face before leaning forward into a bow, barely catching himself from falling off the stage in a wave of exhaustion. Enzo stood with a hat just off stage left collecting gold from the bar's patrons for the performance and he did so with the widest, proudest smile a goliath could muster. Escher dismounted the stage, wiped the sweat from his brow and kissed one of the ladies outstretched hands. He approached his table once more, and handed off the violin back to Finn, its original owner.

"More performances like that, boy, and we'll be able to quit working for 'Von-Preshlow Trading'!"

"Haha! Sabotage at its finest." Escher said, grabbing his drink and running a hand through his hair. Another goblet at the table was raised, this time in Rumble's bronze scaly hand. Escher clinked his cup against his and downed the remaining ale. "You can't tell me you ever actually enjoyed working for my father."

"He pays well." Togg murmured from his seat, the old orc unsure of himself in such a rowdy, loud environment.

"Well, I'm paying better." The bard winked, and held a hand out to gesture to Enzo's huge approaching form, carrying with him a small gold hoard. "And isn't that the whole point? Freedom to go wherever we want, do whatever we like, fight monsters, become legends?"

Enzo's grin grew crooked as he looked at the bard fondly, "I don't get to bash much at sea." Escher gave the goliath a pat, 'see, Enzo gets it', he thought.

"And we must not deprive a barbarian of things to bash."

Finn rolled his eyes and put an arm around Escher's shoulder, careful not to nick him with any of his spines. "No. It seems that would be a terrible idea."

Escher Von PreshlowWhere stories live. Discover now