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“Yer nuts’re gonna be on a Silver platter by the Time the Sun rises again, Malcolm Aatu Fraser!”

        Everybody within earshot of Summer’s living room momentarily gasped in surprise, then burst out laughing. Those who’d already been through the trial of childbirth at least once were laughing more so in Sympathy of his plight–they knew exactly how Dallas felt at the moment, after all. At the same Time, those who hadn’t been through this trial–especially the menfolk–were more so laughing in Sympathy of his husband, who simply took the threat in stride.

        But those who’d originally been from the eighteenth Century were also laughing with genuine hilarity as they processed his last three words. For whatever reason, Jamie’d never once thought to ask about his wife’s middle or surname in the near-Year he’d known her. Course, as many Changes as he’d to endure, it wasn’t entirely surprising that it’d repeatedly slipped his mind.

        However, finding out that he shared not one, but two names with his older stepson–that was quite the pleasant surprise for him. After all, his own full name was James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser, so he’d been surprised to find out about the Malcolm part a few months ago. Now finding out that they’d the same surname–he couldn’t help wondering if that’d been the surname of the Elvin man’s father and given to him by his mother willingly, or if she also shared it as a result of her own Ancestry.

        “Prior marriage,” she murmured in his ear as her son-in-law went limp with the ebbing of the contraction that’d been gripping him.

        “How’d ye–” the ginger man started, cutting himself off at the knowing look on her face.

        “Not that I do it all the Time, but I could hear that Thought as if you’d been speaking aloud,” Summer chuckled. “But that’s something I’ll explain after the Birth and cleanup.”

        “Fair enough,” he agreed. “’Tis more important to have a healthy mother and child than to find out how ye can read me mind.”

        “Willna be long till–ah!” Dallas started, cutting himself off with a grunt of effort.

        “Jenny, start keeping an eye out,” the Elvin woman ordered. “I’ma double-check to make sure we’ve everything we need.”

        “Um…” Jenny was clearly a bit uncertain about being so closeta the crotch of a man who wasn’t her husband.

        “I’ll be taking over once I do that,” she assured her. “But if nothing else, ya can help stop him from tearing by delivering the head too fast in the meantime.”

        “Aye, point taken,” the brunette woman acquiesced.

        “Fuck, I always manage to forget how much this part hurts!” he gasped, letting out the breath he’d been holding to push.

        “I think we all do, no matter how many Times we go through it,” Summer chuckled, climbing into the birthing pool after taking her quick inventory. “Gods know I do, and this’ll be my fifth Time.”

        The laboring man chuckled breathlessly, not even flinching when she grabbed him by the shaft–which was surprisingly hard as a rock–as if she were his spouse.

        “What in God’s name is that?” Jenny gasped, her eyes widening in shock as she started rolling some kinda cover down the length of said shaft.

        Laughing as she gave Dallas the green Light to push again, she let her fingers dance down behind his sac to his feminine opening as she explained. She knew damn good and well her husband and sister-in-law wouldn’t have heard of a condom–and if they had, it prolly wasn’t called the same thing. As far as she knew, such a device hadn’t been in use till the nineteenth Century, and the Brits called them French letters back then.

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