Snow storm

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"Get ready Northern Minnesota, cause you are getting at least four feet of this snowy blanket tonight!" The radio crackled. It was the end of Janurary, which is a very snowy time for Minnesota. The snow was so thick that Kara couldn't see past her car windows. The windshield wipers were barely helping at all, but she tried to keep them going. There hadn't been very much snow that winter, so this was a big surprise to everyone, not counting Kara, who's very superstitious. Last night her boyfriend John had said it wouldn't snow. She just wished he was in the car so she could say the classic "I told you so!" But she bitterly remembered him saying his friends gaming night was more important than seeing her win her hockey game. When she quickly looked at her phone she realized she only had three percent left.

Kara cranked up the heat and shut the radio down, not wanting to here anymore of the horrible weather. She only had thirty minutes left until she got to the crusty city of Bemidgi, but traffic was in a bust. The car moved a foot about every two minutes, and Kara was starting to feel the cold seeping through her car. Her eyes wandered over to the window to see that snow was coming much faster than expected, and realized she hadn't been able to move the car for six minutes. Her hands twisted the radio back on to catch up with the reports. It was starting to get staticky, but she could here most of it.

"Calling all drivers! If you are on the road, try to get off immediately. The snow is getting too high to drive."

By then the station was too fuzzy to make out, so she tried finding another one, soon realizing that almost all of them had been affected by the god damn snow storm. Making sure she wouldn't run out of heat, she turned the furnace down half of what it was before. A feeling of panic suddenly bursted in her chest, but she shot it right back down.

'You'll be fine Kara, get a grip'

When she looked back out of her window, she saw the snow had gotten halfway through the door. It would be impossible to drive through the thick snow. The panic came back, but this time she couldn't get rid of it.

'What if the heat shuts down?'

'What if the snow seeps through small cracks in my car?'

'Will I die here?'

Kara kept thinking about different situations, and before she knew it, an hour passed by. She put the heat up higher and tried to find some way to get comfortable. Her limbs were slowly cramping as she sat in the treacherous seat. She didn't realize she was crying until she saw a little drop of water hit her jacket. That little drop made her cry more. And more. And more. Sobs escaped her mouth as her body started to shake from the cold. From then on,everything was a living hell. Her car had shut down from not being able to take the miserable cold ice. Snow kept falling and falling until it was about half a foot above her car. Everything was silent. All she could hear were her shaken breaths. It was the silence that got to her. The deadly silence of knowing nobody was there. Nobody was there to save her. Kara unrealistically dreamt of someone digging through the snow for her, or reaching their hand out and pulling her out of godforsaken car. Time past fast in silence, and before she knew it, it had been another hour. The cold was ripping through her shoes and biting her toes. There was nothing she could do to get warmer until she remembers that she had gloves under the seat. They slipped onto her hands, and finally she felt an ounce if hope. People always forget what hope does for others. Hope lets you dream. It gives you adrenaline to fight against the brick wall blocking you from happiness. Unfortunately, Kara was a glass half empty kind of girl. She didn't even realize that hope was in her. She knew it wasn't doing anything except for making her hands warm for about thirty more minutes. She knew she would die in that snow storm.

Minutes ticked on. Kara imagined the minutes passing on a clock. She thought about everything she would miss out on. Her kids, her and John maybe getting married, grand kids, anniversaries, graduating college. All of that would never happen. She would literally never be truly happy again.

The cold seeped through her jacket and skin. Her blood wasn't warming her and she was frozen in her place. Kara felt her stomach plead for food by growling quietly. Her arms wrapped around her waist and her legs curled up into a tight ball. That's when she remembered her phone and her parents. Her hands quickly pressed her mothers number into the dying phone. It went straight to voicemail.

"Hey mom. So, I'm on some kind of highway right now, I'm not entirely sure which. I've been stuck here for hours because, uh because the snow trapped me inside." Tears started jerking in her eyes. "And to be honest, mom, I'm gonna die here. And I'm so sorry. Sorry for what exactly? Well I'm not sure. I'm just s-so sorry for everything. I wanted you to know that I love you and dad. Make sure he doesn't get into that old habit of alcohol again, okay?" Kara blinked away the tears and made sure she sounded strong. "Let John know I loved him. Even though he wasn't always there, I love him so much." That's when she couldn't hold it in anymore. Her body trembled as she sobbed. "I don't want to die like this mom!"

That's when the phoned died.

That was when all hope was lost.

That's how Kara died.


Exactly 1000 words ;)

I'm not extremely proud of this, bit at least it's something! It's hard to write something good in only 1000 words.
I hope you liked it!


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