Episode 12.4

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"I love moments like this.... Just you and me, enjoying each other's company and the beauty of our messy dorm around us."

I felt her squeezing my hand. "Me too. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now." 

Winter woke up violently from her dream. That wasn't a nightmare she was used to.


That was opposite from her recurring torment of someone breaking her heart over and over again. It was a perfect dream.

Why did she have to wake up to this nightmare? 


"We talked. She knows."

"Knows what?"

"That I am devoted to you." 

At the witching hour of 3 am, much like a recurring nightmare, Winter was abruptly roused from her sleep. Her heart pounded fiercely against the confines of her ribcage, a primal rhythm echoing the thunderous thoughts racing through her mind.

Two days had elapsed since the chaotic confrontation between her and Karina. Equally, it had been forty-eight hours since Winter decided to relinquish her dependency on sleep aids, seeking a new path to restful nights.

The pills had always been a double-edged sword: lulling her into a slumber, yet stripping away the vividness of her dreams. But now, the absence of the pills unleashed a torrent of vivid imagery that danced across Winter's mind with unsettling clarity.

As Winter reached for a glass of water, her trembling fingers wrapping around its cool surface, she couldn't shake the memories of her most recent dream. It was a dream in which a voice, eerily familiar, spoke to her.

 "You're not my wife nor my girlfriend."

She couldn't quite place it, but something about the voice resonated deep within her soul. This voice had a timbre so distinct, so uncannily reminiscent of Karina's.

The thought made Winter bitterly laugh. She finds it cruel that now, in the realm of her dreams, Karina was still the one she could ever dream of. 


I would do whatever you wanted

We don't have to leave the apartment

Met you at the right time

This is what it feels like

Winter felt the gentle tug of consciousness, a soft voice whispering her name and coaxing her out of the depths of sleep. Slowly, she opened her eyes, blinking away the remnants of dreams that clung to her. And there, standing by her side, was Giselle. 

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