7. friends and sleepovers

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Walking into my house with Stephen and Salem tailing behind me, I plop myself on the couch. "Fucking finally, I'm home." I sighed, tiredness laced in my 11 year old voice. Knowing I still had shit to do, with a groan of reluctance, I forced myself off the couch.

I managed to put everything into my new school trunk. I then set Salem and Stephen up with their own areas, Salem with a large cat tree in the corner of the livingroom and Stephen with a perch and Nest attached to the ceiling thats also in the living room, next to the open Skylight. They were very happy.

By the time I finished everything, it was already past 1 AM. Trudging up the stairs, I make it to my bathroom and take a heavenly shower. After finishing my skin routine (gotta look good, girls) I climb into bed with Salem on the pillow next to me and Stephen with his own Nest close to the bed. "Goodnight, guys...." "Goodnight Anna."

°•○•°Le Time Skip°•○•°

Waking up, I felt two different weights on my chest and stomach. I'm looking down as best I could, and I see the cutest shit ever. It was Salem curled up on my chest and Stephen on my stomach, using his wings as an extra blanket for Salem and I. 'I've gotta get a picture of this!' As carefully as I can without waking them, I reached for my smartphone. After taking multiple pictures that I plan to print up, I decided it's time to wake up. "Guys, wake up. I can't move, and I need to take a wazz."

After finally getting them up, I get ready for the day.

'Okay, phase 1. Befriend Harry and try to save him from the Dursleys. But then there's the issue of Harry possibly not meeting Hagrid....fuck it, I'll just wing it.'

With that thought I checked what day it was. Saturday. 'Didn't Harry go to the zoo on a Saturday?' ...."SHIT!" I grabbed my purse and bolted out the door. "What do you think she was on about?" "No idea."

Apparating to an alleyway a block from the zoo, I check if the coast is clear before I started running all the way to the ticket booth. After snatching the ticket from the Booking clerk I made my way as normally as I could towards the Reptile House. On the way I passed a group of school children leaving the Reptiles and they suspiciously look like Slytherins. 'Wait... oh thank Hecate it's the right day. Thank you movie ques.' With that worry out of the way I walk into the Reptile House and immediately started scanning the crowd. I immediately zeroed in on the vulture like woman with her obese husband and their equally obese lump of a son. "Hecate I can't wait to fuck them up." I murmured to myself with a wicked smirk. That smirk instantly left as I see the Lump quickly,as fast as his stubby legs could carry him, make his way over to..."Holy shit it's Harry." My shock over seeing one of my favorite protagonists was very short lived as that butter-ball of a boy and his creepy little blonde friend sshoved Harry very hard to the ground to see the now awake and moving Boa Constrictor. Seeing red I quickly make my way over.

"Hey Fatass!" Said fatass turned around stunned, facing the livid looking girl as she stands between him and Harry. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Hurting him for no damn reason! If you ever lay your hands on him again I will rip them off and shove them up your fat, jelly ass!" Coming out of his stunned silence, Dudley's face turned red from anger and embarrassment, "Oh yeah! And what's a small, dumb American girl going to do about-" He tried to say as he dared try and put his hands on me, I quickly grabbed his right wrist and twisted his arm around to his lumpy back.

"This is what I'm gonna do." I seethe into his ear. I held him there tight and kicked his little blonde bitch boy in the stomach hard when he tried coming at me from behind. Harry, still on the floor and obviously mad at what Dudley and his friend were doing, let out his accidental magic and the glass viewing window to the Boa Constrictor disappeared. Me seeing this, and was waiting for it, I shoved the struggling turd into the Boa's small habitat.

The Baba Yaga Series: The Dead WitchWhere stories live. Discover now