18. I Fucking Hate Quirrell Today

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It's been a few weeks since the first day and that talk with Dumbledore, and I know he hasn't talked to Lupin or Snape yet considering Snape hasn't been givin' me the stink-eye yet. It is now September 21, 1991; and since the first day Ive been tryin' to keep track of shit. Especially since Neville is supposed to eat shit today. Poor Kid.

Anna made her way down to the Great Hall in hopes of snagging a bite to eat in the last moments of lunch. Deciding on a much healthier snacking, she grabbed a couple of sweet oranges, a bowl of fresh strawberries, and a handful of blackberries. She eyed the bananas with slight disdain, not for all those "banana" jokes, but for the fact that whenever she ate the yellow fruit her mouth and tongue would become annoyingly itchy. Though that pesky sensation only lasts for a few minutes, It was enough to turn her eyes away from the fruit forever...well the only exception seemed to be the Banana Nut Bread that her Nana used to make her, somehow she'd always manage to ridd that pesky sensation from the delicious baked good.

Coming out of the stupor the bananas gave her, she noticed Harry calling her over, "Anna, where have you been? you almost missed lunch."

"Oh, I forgot my bag and ran back to get it."

"Alright then, but you should eat quick. The bell's about to ring."


Harry, Mione, Ron and Neville all gave Anna looks of sorry, knowing she wouldn't be able to sit down and enjoy her lunch as everything on the tables had dissapeared as the bell chimed. Good thing she grabbed something real quick.

"It's okay guys, I've still got my fruit. Hey Hermione, what's out next class?"

"We have our first flying lessons! Oh I can't wait!" As the group looked forward to the lesson, all I could think about was poor Neville and his unfortunate knack for getting injured or introuble with out even trying...

~Le Time Skip~

Anna ate most of her fruit, except for a large and juicy Orange that she insisted to her friends that she always saves the best for last.

"Good Afternoon, class. Good Afternoon!" They were currently outside of the castle on one of the green lawns, As Madam Hootch walked up to the class, her eagle eayes scanning each new face. Each first year in Gryffindor and Slytherin lined up next to their respective school flying broom. Anna just so happened to be next to Neville, who was looking a little green around the gills.

She was having an internal debate with herself... Does she let it play out or does she say fuck it?

'Fuck it.'

"Hey Neville, Switch brooms with me. Mine looks a bit more stable than yours." Neville thought he was looking at an Angel, as he silently said thank you to the girl as they switched brooms.

"Welcome to your first flying lesson! Well what are you waiting for? Step up the the left side of your broomsticks, come on now hurry up." Everyone got into position, with me feeling slightly nervous at volunteering for the jinxed broomstick. Not that anyone would know of my selflessness.

"Now everybody, stick your right hand over the broom and say UP!" My broom flew straight to my hand without me even saying anything...Welp, this'll be fun. (Note the sarcasm.) Everyone kept trying, Harry's flew to his hand immedietly when he demanded it and so did Draco's. Hermione's kept flopping around lamely on the ground. Ron's flew and hit him square in the nose, causing Harry and I to laugh. Neville didn't want his broom to come up at all. Theo and Blaise had no trouble with theirs after a few times.

Madam Hootch instructed us to mount our brooms, and grip them tight while going around and showing us how to do it. Earlier Draco was boasting how great of a flyer he is, but then Madam Hootch came and told him his grip position was all wrong and moved on. He got pink in the cheeks and started grumbling under his breath. That drew out some giggles from our friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02 ⏰

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