16. Ghost Bestie and Shit Shows

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To say magic school was a step up from being homeschooled would be an overstatement, especially when you've already learned all the shit they're teaching, and then some. I mean it is cool to be able to "learn" all these "new" forms of magic with friends, and learning Wand Magic when all I've ever used, before my life went down this dewy slope, was wandless and wordless magic. I mean I could continue with that cadence and make a show out of it, but I am supposed to be an ikle-first year and not know much about magic. Then again, that didn't mean I couldn't rise above in academics and become a sort of prodegy... as long as I try to fly under the radar for this year.

But seriously, these subjects: Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology, DADA, Potions, Astronomy, History of Magic and Flying... 18 years of expirience under my belt. Started showing signs of magic at 2 years old, so Nana started teaching me with baby steps.

So, you can imagine my slight vexation at having to sit through my first class of the day...which was Transfiguration. 'Don't get me wrong, I love Minnie, but still.'

When I first walked into class and seen Minnie, in cat form, I just couldn't help myself.... I immediatly walked up to the feline professor and proceeded to pet her head whilst cooing, calling her a "Pretty kitty." Everyone just sort of looked at me in amusement as I continued to pet the proffessor's head. She looked a bit flustered, 'if that's what a flustered cat looked like...' After a few more head pats, I went to my seat next to Hermione, feeling a bit more joyful with getting away with it; at least for the time being.

Its was a good 15 minutes into the start of class and Minnie had already transformed and told us what to do. And upon seeing my unsurprised face at her animagus ability, she gave me an unimpressed look with a shadow of a smirk. Probably meaning "Do it again and see what happenes." I tried to look innocent but she knew.
She then returned to her feline form and was perched upon her teachers desk, patiently waiting for the last two of her students to show up. 'I'll give ya two guesses on who.' Just before the cat was to mark them as late, Harry and Ron slammed open the old oak door and rushed in. Both boys sighing in relief at finding the right classroom AND not seeing the strict teacher.

"Made it! Can you imagine the look on old McGonnagal's face if we were late!" Minnie took Ron's moment of relief to hop off her desk and change back into herself. The look on both Harry and Ron's faces were enough to make Hermione shake her head in exasperation and I giggle, along with some others in class. That's when they broke from their amazed stupor.

"That was bloody brilliant!"

"Thank you for that assessment Mr. Weasley. Perhaps it would be more useful to transfigue Mr. Potter or yourself into a pocket watch, so at least one of you might be on time." She raised an unimpressed brow.

"We were lost."

"Then perhaps a map. I trust you don't need one to find your seats." They both quickly sat behind Draco, Blaise and Theo. We all continued on with the lesson of that day.


I made sure to keep Ron and Harry with me on our way towards our next class. Seeing as I accidentally ditched them to be on time with Mione. I was just glad that the castle told me where to go, which was still odd but welcomed non-the-less.

Our next class of the day was Potions, and I was 100% going to say something to Snape if he starts his petty shit on the first day. We reached the Potions lab in the cold dungeons, taking our seats quickly before the walking rain cloud came to rain insults on us. Though I was the only one prepared for it, I still felt bad for those caught in his petty storm.

The class all sat at their brewing stations, our group occupying two brewing stations. The class was chatting in excitment but noticibly not as loud as they quickly realized how the potions lab seemed to echo. The happy conversations immediatly died as the door was flung open and in walked our teacher. His billowing black robes and his serious demeanor only made the class more quiet, to intimidated to speak. And then he spoke in his deep and hissing like voice, which made them all sit up straighter.

The Baba Yaga Series: The Dead WitchWhere stories live. Discover now