14. Odd Dreams and Odder Meetings

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Waking in a glowing, snow-covered meadow at night had to have been the oddest feeling Anna has felt in these past few months. Even more odd than de-aging to her 11 year old self, at least she knew that moment was real. She realized that this beautiul plaine was a dream when she felt she wasn't freezing, but that could be because of her new powers...no, she realized that this was a dream when she looked up. Expecting to see stars, she sees a live oil painting of dancing stars, it was like seeing a Van Gogh painting come to life.

She layed there in the softly glowing snow for what felt like hours, simply wondering at the always changing sky. She suddenly felt a presence nearby and it broke her from her peace. On alert, she quickly stood up reaching for the knives she keeps in her waistband, only to find nothing. Knowing if her trusty knives aren't with her, than neither is her wand. Refusing to let the strange woman know of her slight panic of being weaponless, she remained stoic and calm. Starring into the eyes of the old woman a couple yards away from her, silver meeting silver, Anna realized just who this woman was...

"Grandmother Baba Yaga?" she still questions, more confused on how her ancestor is here than anything else.

"приятно наконец встретиться с тобой, Анна. Я долго присматривал за тобой, дитя мое." (Its nice to finally meet you, Anna. I've been watching over you for a long time, my child.) Baba Yaga said with a sweet smile to her voice, observing Anna with a look of slight pride.

Anna was observing the old woman too. Seeing her in a traditional Russian babushka dress of reds and golds. Her silver hair did up in a bun and covered in a knitted head scarff. 'She kinda looks like Nana, if Nana was more Babushka than a Boston baddie...' Snapping out of the somber memory, she focused again on the unspoken question; "Бабушка... это правда? Или это просто происходит у меня в голове?" (Grandmother... Is this real? Or is it just happening inside my head?) 'I couldn't think of a better question to ask, cut me some slack.' Thought Anna as she looked at the fouth wall. Hearing a chuckle like windchimes brought her out of her staredown with the "Air."

"Да, любимая, это правда. Но это также в вашей голове. Я решил, что пришло время наконец встретиться с тобой, но я не мог быть там в форме духа, потому что мои кости все еще привязаны к нашему другому миру. Так что путешествие во сне было следующим лучшим вариантом... Скажи мне, как поживает мой Дом?" (Yes love, this is real. But, it is also in your head. I decided it was time to finally meet you, but I couldn't be there in spirit form because my bones are still tied to our other world. So dream-walking was the next best option... Tell me, how is my House doing?) She asked with a mischievious glint to her eye. That brought a real laugh from Anna as she said the House was good, a pain in the ass, but good.

The happy atmosphere then shifted with the stars as it took on a more serious mood as Baba Yaga approached her young descendant, holding her hands in her aged and withered ones as she looked into her mirrored eyes. Switching to English, Baba revealed, "Young Anna, I am not just here for pleasantries....There is something you did not know before, the prophecy."Anna, speechless, nodded to continue.

"The only Black Elder Tree most thought to be dead; comes back with its last and only Lady, armed a hellish smlie and and army of fae. Blessed to grow with both Great and  Terrible Strength. She is on the edge of fire and water, to grow towards the heavens with her roots touching Hell.
Silver and Water to Heal and Break, Fire and Anger to Reap. Fearless of Death, but fearfull for others will grant her audience with them.
Come the fifth moon, she shall rise from the ashes to see it through to the end. But not all shall be saved...
Stars shall fall, Sliver will flow and her Fire shall Reap what they sow. And The darkness shall end come morning light.
Her Amaranthine magic will Reach new hights."

Seeing the worry in the young girls Silver eyes, Baba Yaga held Anna in her arms. Gently shushing the quiet tears streaming down Anna's flushed cheeks. Anna didn't know why she was crying, but it felt good. She finally felt like a child again."

Don't worry child, that is not all that I have to say."
"Oh Greeaaat." Sarcasm laced in Anna's voice as Baba gave an amused chuckle.

"I know, I know. But this is better, I swear." With a sniffle and a nod, Baba continued. " You will never be alone, you might feel that way. But, trust in me when I say this; you will always have someone with you on this journey, friends, loved ones, even lovers. [that made Anna blush a bit] You will always find your way back to them. Hell, you might even be able to summon their spirits or re-visit them!"

"w-wait what?" That got Anna's attention. "W-what do you mean I can Re-visit? I thought it was a one-way ticket situation?" Asked Anna in Disbelief. 'What the Hell!"

"Well, in some situations you'll only be time traveling, I'm not too sure how that will work so don't ask. [Anna shut up] But you can leave a way back to a world just in case if you are needed again. But that takes a lot of magic to develop. And if need be, you can bring others back with you. It is up to you for the How and the Who."

Speechless. Utterly speechless. How the fuck was Anna supposed to react to that. She looked at her ancestor with a look of utter disbelief, trying to formulate a response but unable too as Baba crashed her train of thought. With a slight look of panic, Baba rushes out some final advice, though the last was a bit concerning...

"Oh My! You'll be waking soon! Okay um, It would be a good idea to learn Necromancy, start with that new Grimiore you found. It wold be best to become an Animagus in your 3rd year, your body isn't ready for it yet. 3rd year, that Grimiore shall reveal something to you, there's no use in forcing it out. And somethings may still start off the same but it is up to you on how it ends!"

With one last hug, Baba Yaga then gently pushed Anna backwards and she found herself falling back into a black, starless oblivion....You know that feeling in a dream were it feels like you're falling and you're about to hit the ground...


Anna woke up falling out of bed with a hard thud on the only part of the carpeted stone floor that wasn't carpeted. The sound wasn't enough to wake her sleeping roomate, nor was the audible curses, for she could still hear the bushy-haired girl's  steady snores. Getting up with a pained groun, Anna looked at the time (5:00 am).

"Damn it." With a final huff, Anna decided to take a shower and get ready for the day, maybe even go for a walk. She dressed in a pair of blue jeans, a plain white t-shirt, her black combat boots, and her Hogwarts Robes. Armed with her wand and a black Tigers Claw knife, she silently made her way towards the door, leaving a note for Hermione that she'll see her later.

The Baba Yaga Series: The Dead WitchWhere stories live. Discover now