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Toothless's POV

Hiccup, my person, lay in bed unconscious. I laid on the tree branch like structure (beam) waiting for him to wake up. I haven't moved from his den (house) even when the girl named Astrid tempted me with food.

I jumped down from the branch and crawled over to him. I decided I was going to wake him up. I couldn't take anymore of this. I snorted some air onto his face.


I nudged his head.

Still nothing.

I purred.


I backed up and fired a plasma blast in his face.

He coughed and breathed in some of the fire but...


Suddenly his hand began glowing and I backed away shield my eyes with my paw. Once the glowing ceased I crept forward again sniffing his hand. There on his right hand just below the thumb was a tattoo or mark of some sort. It was a Night Fury spiraled into a ball sort of.

I back pedaled not knowing what that is or what it means.

What have I done?????

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