Chapter 11

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Hiccup's POV

Her house was HUGE! It was about three stories high all spread out through a bunch of trees.

"The bottom one there is the forge. The second floor is storage and the kitchen." She explained as we landed on the third level. Toothless and Moonwave joined us. "The third level is where we will be sleeping."

"This is sick!" I gasped realizing something. "I left all my things at Berk! My inventions! Drawings! Sketches for ideas! I have so many!"

She puts a hand on my shoulder, "We'll get them. Come on!"

Our wings shrink and we climb on our dragons. Toothless take off for Berk and a few hours later we reach Berk in the afternoon sun. We head around to the back and land in the cove.

"Let's wait until dark." I said and sat down on a rock.


Toothless and Moonwave wait in the cove while Aviana and I sneak into Berk with our saddle bags. I lead her to the forge and we began stuffing our bags with all my drawings. Aviana and I went to leave but Aviana slammed her head into a frying pan.

"Ow!" She whisper cries out.

"Who goes there?!" Gobber called out.

Oh no.

"The back." I whispered.

We turned and opened the back door. It creaked. I winced.

"Hey!" Gobber yelled.

I grabbed Aviana's hand and we make a break for the cliffs. We roar for our dragons making our presence known. Toothless and Moonwave are hovering below the cliffs.

"Take the bag!" I toss Aviana the bag and she takes it jumping off the cliff landing Moonwave.

"Go Toothless I'll be right behind you!" I yelled and he followed Moonwave.

I stopped almost at the edge of the cliff. Vikings surrounded me, luckily I had a mask on Aviana had an extra of. No one heard me call Toothless's name.

"He's a thief!" Someone called.

"Surrender!" Stoick pushed through the crowd.

I raised my hands and slowly walked forward a few steps.

"And to think I was ever going to surrender!" I said smirking.

"What are-"

I turned on my heels and sprinted for the cliff jumping off with ease. I turned into my Night Fury form and raced after Aviana and Toothless. I caught up with them easily.

Gobber's POV

I watched as the boy 'surrendered' to us. But then he tricked us and took off down the cliff and disappeared from our sight. He wore a mask his voice muffled through it but it sounded familiar.

Hiccup's POV

"That was close!" I shifted into my half fury form and wiped sweat from my brow.

"You're crazy but nice exit!" Aviana chuckles.

We landed on the third level and I let my wings drape on the wooden floor.

"What's for breakfast?" I ask.

"Fish! It's good for the human and dragon side of us!" Aviana slides a plate in front of me. "Eat up."

"So what do you do here?" I ask.

"Moonwave has been training me. I have excellent fighting skills. I'll have to teach you." She replied.

I smiled, living here wouldn't be so bad after all.

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