Chapter Two

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Waking up from my bed, I sit up and rub my eyes. After checking my tumblr, Instagram and Twitter I check my messages. Remembering what had happened the day before, I smile and see a text from Phil.
To: y/n
From: Phil
Yes, this is Phil! ^_^
I was about to type a reply, but instead i decided to call him. I dialed his number and waited for an answer.
After a few rings, he picked up.
"Hello?" He said.
"Uh, hi! This is y/n. I was wondering if you'd like to hang out today, with Kali and I."
"Sure! It sounds fun, how about we go to the cafe?"
"Yeah! Ill see you at 1:00 then?"
"Yep! Bye!"
I hung up the phone and get out of bed, walking towards the bathroom to get ready. I brushed my teeth and my hair, and almost forget to tell Kali about the event.
"Oi Kali! We're going to the cafe with Phil. Get ready!" I call out.
"W-wha...? Now?"
"Yep. Get up!"
-le time skip to the cafe-
I got out of the car and dragged the half-awake Kali with me.
Seeing Phil outside of the door, I wave to him and smile.
"Hi y/n!" Phil says, smiling warmly.
"Hey! Just a warning beforehand. Kali hasn't exactly woken up yet, and when she's tired, she can be a little.... Well, crazy."
"No worries. Shall we go in?"
"We shall!"
I walk into the cafe with Phil, holding Kali's hand so she wouldn't fall.
Sitting down at a mini table with Kali and Phil, we all order hot chocolates.
"So y/n, you mentioned before that you would love to be a YouTuber. And i just so happen to have brought my camera..." He smiles.
"What're you implying, Phil?" I smile back at him.
"Wanna do a 'Day in the Life of Phil and y/n?"
"I would love to!" Our smiles widen, and out hot chocolates are presented to us. "Lets see if Kali wants to, too..." I poked her cheek.
"Wha......And then when did the monkeys attack?"
That made us both laugh.
I moved my head closer to Kali's and said quietly,"Kali. Levi is in this room. Wake the hell up."
She then shot up from her seat and looked around the room. "Where? Where is he?" Phil and i both break out in laughter and then Kali realizes that i said that for her to wake up.
"I hate you!" She lightly punches me on the shoulder.
"Oh shush you, Phil and I were wondering of you'd like to be in one of Phil's videos. "
Her eyes lit up. "Yes! Of course! Wait, why don't we all make our own channel? You, me, Phil, and Dan if he wants to?"
I look at Phil to see his reaction.
"Sure! I actually love that idea." He then smiled at me, which made me blush slightly. Wait, why am I blushing? I dont... Wait, what?
"Uh, y/n? Hello, earth to y/n?" Kali says.
"Wha- oh, yeah. I'd love to!"
Kali claps her hands. "Then its settled! Phil, why dont you come to y/n's and I's place to make the video?"
Kali winks at me and i just get more confused.
We all stand up and take our drinks, heading towards our car.
"I'll drive. You and Phil can go in the backseat."
Oh dear lord, Kali. What are you planning?
"Why cant one of us sit in the-"
"Because..." She takes my bag and hers and puts them in the front seat. "There's no room."
"Okay!" Phil says, smiling. I crawl in the back of the car and Phil follows.
The only interesting thing that happened is a few exchanged glances from Phil and I, followed by us both looking away milliseconds afterwards.
When we arrived at our apartment, we got out the camera and decided to do the helium challenge.
Taking various balloons we had that were full of helium, Phil, me, and Kali sat in that order in a line in front of the camera. Then Phil started recording.
"Hey guys! This is AmazingPhil and I've got two of my friends here at this new channel!"
"Hi, I'm y/n!"
"I'm Kali, whats up?"
"We decided to make a new channel for us, for fun. "
"And for our first video, we decided to do the helium challenge!" Kali adds. I was too nervous to say much.
"Lets get started!"
"I'll go first," i said confidently. "Im going to try to make Phil laugh."
I sucked the helium out of the balloon and looked at Phil straight in the eye, and Kali knew instantly what I was doing. She took a water bottle and poured it in my cupped hands until it was overflowing a bit.
In a monotonous high voice, i said, "this water is getting out of hand"
It took a while before we all calmed down and stopped laughing.
"What a fine example for the youth of America we're setting!" I added, and everyone laughed once more.
A long time of corny jokes in high voices went by, and when we were done recording Phil thought of something.
"Guys?" He says. "Im moving back to London in a week- how will we continue the channel?"
I dreadful moment of silence came across the room.
"It's unrealistic, but how about Kali and i move to London?"
The dread on our faces slowly turned into excited smiles.
"Yes! Yes yes yes!" Kali says jumping up and down.
"Thats a great idea!" Phil says.
I take out my phone and dial my home number.
The ring has never been more nerve wracking but exciting.
I put the phone on speaker. The ringing stops, and you can hear a voice say, "Hello?"
"Y-yes, mom?" I take a deep breath. "I'm moving to London..."

Philadelphia philosophy philosophical philanthropy philharmonic philistine LIKE JFC PHIL K BYE

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