Chapter Four

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I woke up to Phil's arms wrapped around me, my face nuzzled into the crook of his neck.
My face turned a deathly red and it took all of my willpower not to kis- kill him. Kill him. Kill. Yeah.
I tried to get out of the bed but his arms were around me so tightly that i couldn't move.
I had to admit that i didnt mind the current situation...
Jesus Christ y/n, get your shit together! He probably doesn't even like you in that way and you know that this is nothing more then a simple crush, it's natural. But then again...
I decided to just close my eyes and pretend to be asleep, which led into me actually falling back asleep...
The light coming out of the window hit my eyelids as I opened them gently, immediately seeing if Phil and I were still... Cuddling. He wasn't there, which brought a tang of relief, disappointment, and confusion.
After checking my social media Ihesitantly got up, walking to the kitchen where I saw Phil eating my cereal.
"I've always wanted to do this! Dan always eats my cereal before I can get to it." He said.
I laughed a bit and walked next to Phil, reaching into the box and taking a handful of cereal, eating it.
"So what time did you go to bed last night?" I ask, filling my mouth with food.
"Well..." He stares at me, and out of embarrassment I look over to the living room and froze.
It's all packed in boxes! Did Phil do this?
"No way," Everything is packed. It's spotless.
I turn around to see Phil and Kali smiling, then we all laughed and I ran over to Kali and hugged her, then I tightly hugged Phil. "Thank you guys so, so much. You're too good to me." We all laughed and Phil gently grabbed my wrists. "There's more!" I blushed and he pulled me to all the other rooms, Kali giggling, watching us. I can never tell what she's up to.
Looking around where Phil took me, I hugged him tightly again. "You did the whole house?" I ask him. He just nods and still has that wide smile on his face.
I decided to tempt fate and kiss him on the cheek. Afterwards I quickly adverted my attention to all of the packed boxes.
I get an idea and run to the kitchen, taking something out of a box.
"Hm? What're you making?" Kali asks me, peering over my shoulder.
"Pancakes! To thank you guys" I smile and Phil walks over to me.
"I smell food!"
I laugh awkwardly and smile, not being able to bring myself to look at him. He was standing so close to me, I could feel his hot breath on my neck.
"Im making pancakes!" I say again, blushing.
"I love pancakes! Thank you, y/n!" He leaned his head down and smiled at me, which caused me to blush more.
"H-hey Phil, after breakfast you should go back to your apartment. You haven't changed clothes in a bit and I don't want to burden your health. Not that i'm rushing you out or anything, I AM really grateful for all that you've done." I speak out, hoping that I don't sound too pushy.
"Oh, alright! If that's what you want me to do" Phil finally walks to the table and sits down.
I put some of the hot pancakes on a plate, walked it over to the table and sat down.
Kali was sitting at the table, internally cackling madly.
After Phil left, Kali and I needed to go to the convenience store, and while we were there Kali decided to bring 'it' up.
"So, you like Phil don't you?" Kali smirked.
"Hm? I'm not saying I do, I'm not saying I don't."
"Yep! You definitely do."
"You're a really bad liar y/n"
"....whatever, there's a mall nearby. We should get some things for Phil and Dan."
Kali and I went to the mall, and stopped at Hot Topic. They have a bunch of anime merch there, so we stop there every so often.
I decided to get Phil a Light Yagami plushie, Kali a Misa Amane plushie, Dan a Ryuk plushie and myself a L plushie.
I also decided to save some money for Phil and Dan because I'll be living with them.
Anyways, Phil's more of a present guy then a money guy. So maybe Dan's more of a money guy then a present guy. By 'money guy' i mean that he'd rather buy his own presents with the money... Yeah.
After getting them both a few more things we leave the store, and along the way we see a toy store.
Long story short, we went into the toy store and got that game where you stick the sticks into the balloon and try to make sure it doesn't pop.
Kali and I finally get home and I finish packing my room, and Kali does the same. Then I blew up two blow-up mattresses for Kali and I.
Then I send Phil a text:

To: Phil :3
From: Me
Message: Heyyy, do you want Kali and I to come and help you pack tomorrow? I'd feel bad if I didn't return the favor ^.^

I sent the text and plopped down on the bed. I got almost an immediate response.

To: Me
From: Phil :3
Message: Sure! Thank you! (^^)xoxo

did he send me 'xoxo'?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2021 ⏰

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