Chapter One

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Kali is your friends name
Y/n: your name
h/t: hometown
Kali and I were staring and admiring the lions at the zoo. We don't know what it is about lions-we just love them.
After gazing at them for a few minutes, Kali said,"Hey, I'm gonna go look at the giraffes! I heard they had babies recently." Without giving me a chance to reply, she dashes without me to the giraffes.
I don't care much for them. I'm much more interested in the lions. Some of them recently had babies as well, and it took all of my willpower to not take one home with me.
Moving to the side to get a better view, I bump into someone.
I looked up and instinctively said, "Sorry!"
He was taller then me, and had icy blue eyes and a black fringe. He was wearing a red flannel button- down and jeans.
"No, it's okay! It was my fault." He said, smiling. He was obviously not from around here, as he had a British accent.
I think he noticed that I was staring at him and he said, "E-excuse me? Hello?" He waved a hand in front of my face.
I snapped back into reality and said, "O-oh, yes, I'm sorry. "
He noticed my Attack On Titan sweater. "Hey, you like anime?"
"Yeah, actually I love anime. Do you?" I asked, excited because I've never had a friend who liked anime. Well, I do have Kali. But that's it.
Even though he didn't tell me if he did yet. I'm overthinking things again...
"Of course! I love Free!" He said, just as excited as me.
Laughing, I say "You mean that anime about the gay swimming team? Yeah, I've seen it. I've never met any guy who likes it though," I teased.
He laughed and said, "Well, you see, the person I live with got me into it. He even has a Haru body pillow." Laughing at that, he adds,"My name's Phil! You seem really nice!"
Laughing I say,"I'm y/n! And I'm usually not nice at all to most people. I can be really annoying at times. And that doesn't really work with my job most of the time, you see I help around with customer service at a technology store." Jeez, I talk for too long.
"Okay, number one, y/n is the prettiest name I've ever heard, number two, you seem amazing so I doubt that you are as bad as you say you are, and number three I make YouTube videos as a job. It's really great, and I get to meet new people because of it!" Phil says, going on for as long as I have.
"Wait... Your name is Phil... The person you live with has a Haru body pillow... You're a youtuber..." I think for a second, which is rare coming from me. Suddenly it hits me. "Hey! Are you Phil Lester? My sister watches your videos all the time! And your friend is Dan right? That's so cool!"
"Yeah, that's me!" Phil says and laughs.
"I would love to be a youtuber. Is it fun?"
"Yeah, it's amazing! It's doesn't even feel like work because it's what I'm passionate about,"
He took a notebook out of the bag he was holding and wrote something down on it. Then he ripped out the page and gave it to me.
"This is my number. You're really cool, so let's be friends!"
"Awesome!" I say, taking the paper. "I'm really happy! Not a lot of people actually want to put up with me."
"It's no problem! " putting the notebook back in his bag, he says,"Well, I have to take my leave now. Maybe we can hang out sometime?"
"Sure! I'd love to. I text you the details."
"Great! See ya later!"
I waved as he walked away. Kali walked behind me and said, "If he hurts you I will murder him with my own two hands."
Surprised, I step forward and look at her. "Kidding! Sort of. " she says.
"Yeah,yeah, whatever. Let's go home, Kali." ((IM SO SORRY FOR ANYONE WHO GETS THAT))
I smiled as I walked and added Phil to my contacts list on my phone. To confirm the number, I send a text.

To: Phil
From: Me
Hey, this is y/n. Is this Phil?

I sent the text and put my phone in my pocket.
"Wanna head to the bakery and get some cupcakes?" Kali asks, a sparkle in her eyes.
I laughed and said, "Sure. Cupcakes are the best thing ever. I'm gonna need to get one for L too though, or he'll get ticked. "
"Y/n, I think you're obsessed. You have like a THOUSAND L pictures on your walls in your room. "
"I don't see the problem here. "
"Alright, fine. But I'm getting one for Levi."
At the bakery I picked out a chocolate cupcake for me and a strawberry one for L. It was actually for me, but whatever. I looked across the room to see a cupcake that was decorated to look like a lion! I dashed across to it and pointed at it, and got that one for Phil.
Lions will forever be my favorite animal, for so many reasons. Another one was added today.
A/N: I hope you guys liked it!!!
I'm hoping to update at least once a week. It's hard for me because of exams, but during the summer I'll update more. Byeyyyyey

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