Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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Here am I, in front of my bodyguard, protecting him from a shooter in front of us.
I can feel the bullets penetrating my flesh, ripping my skin and my muscles.
Sharp pain in my body, but I still have the strength to shoot back at the man.
I was taking the bullets instead of my bodyguard, I couldn't bear to see him die, I couldn't even think of it. I was basically killing myself, but I couldn't care less, I had to save him.
These were my only thoughts.

You're probably wondering how I, Ada, a 30-year-old woman, ended up in a situation like this.

Well.. it all started when I was ten.

It was a cold fall day, the sky was covered in clouds and it was dark.
I was with my parents and they were telling me the same stuff they told me everyday "In two years, you will help us with the family economy.. you will work in the streets like you're supposed to do" my dad said while holding my hand like a normal father would "And if you try to run away from us, I will make sure you will end up dead right after"
I was scared of my parents, especially my father.
I was an only child in an Italian mafia family. We moved to Thailand when I was five due to some drug related buisness.
My father also managed a night club where he made girls sell their bodies to strangers, mainly people involved with the mafia. The money the girls earned was meant to be given to my family.
Both of my parents used a lot of threats to keep me obedient and they never showed affection to me. I was just seen as a potential source of money, and I would have become one in just two years.
We were heading home after we went to the club, where my father told the manager to keep an empty spot for me in the future.
We were walking down the streets and suddenly I heard a loud bang in front of us.
I realized it was a gunshot and it landed on my father's leg, which started bleeding in front of my eyes.
I immediately freed myself from my parents' grip and I ran to hide from whoever just shot my dad.
I heard more shots and I knew they started to fight against whoever started this fight.
I covered my ears with my hands, trying to muffle the sounds around me and I felt tears running down my face.
I closed my eyes shut and waited.
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After what seemed like hours, the noises stopped. I slowly opened my eyes, only to find a man in front of me, he was tall, maybe in his forties, with a gun in his hand.
I looked behind him and saw both of my parents on the ground, covered in blood, surely dead. I immediately understood that this man and his guards killed them, but it didn't bother me as much as I thought.
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I thought I would have felt a sharp pain in my heart, a feeling of emptiness, but I actually felt almost relieved that those two people were dead.
I ended up crying anyway because I loved my parents, even if they have been cruel to me.
I cried in front of this man, who said something I didn't understand to one of his men and then looked at me "I'm so sorry.. I didn't know they had a daughter.." he kneeled to be at my height "What's your name?" he asked, looking at me worriedly.
"Oh it's a beautiful name! My name is Korn" he smiled kindly. "How old are you, little one?"
"I'm ten.. did you.. kill my parents?" I asked, looking at him with big doe eyes.
He hesitated "Yes.. they messed up our deal" he admitted.
I just nodded and looked at the two corpses behind Korn again.
"They.. they were evil.. I didn't like to be with them" I said, drying my tears.
"It's ok, you don't need to worry about them anymore" he said in a sweet tone, a tone that I've never heard before.
He seemed very kind.
"You know, I have three children, all younger than you" he smiled "And I think you will like them" he added.
I looked at him, worried "What? You want to take me home with you?!" I asked, visibly scared "Yes" he simply said, offering me his hand.
I realized I didn't have a choice: my parents were dead, I couldn't come back home and this man couldn't leave me go around and tell people he killed my parents. There also were his guards all around us, watching, with guns in their hands. It was either getting killed or following this man.
And I just grabbed the man's hand and we walked through a car, hopped inside and a guy drove us all the way to a big house.
We got out of the car and he told me "This is my house, I hope you will enjoy living here" he smiled at me and we walked inside.
The house was immense, full of luxurious stuff and full of bodyguards.
I looked around and soon realized something that made my eyes open wide. There was a stemma printed on a wall, the stemma of the major mafia family of the entire Thailand: the Theerapanyakul Family.

I was petrified. They were one of the most dangerous mafia families in the entire world, and I was in their house, walking side by side to the boss, holding his hand.
I was a lot more scared than before and while I was busy thinking about the ways to obey these people the best I could, Korn brought me to a room, a very big room: it had a large bed with beautiful dark sheets, a big window, where I could see the lights of the night life of the city, an empty wardrobe and a private bathroom.
Korn kneeled beside me and smiled "You like this room?" he asked in a very calm tone "Yes.. It's so big.." I replied, smiling a bit "Well, it's yours! I couldn't organize a better room for you, so you will be staying here while I'll find a better bedroom".
I was shocked, I looked at him with wide eyes "Isn't this a little.. too much..?" I asked worried and a little embarrassed "Of course not little one. You're now part of the family" he smiled at me and I noticed he wanted to pet my head, but he retreated his hand immediately. I thought it was strange, but I let it slide "Thank you so much Khun Korn.." I smiled.
He smiled again and straightened his posture, then he waved goodbye and left, leaving me alone, into this giant room.
I plopped myself on the bed and let out a loud sigh, closing my eyes.
"What just happened? Am I safe here? Am I going to be treated even worse than before?" I asked myself, searching for answers.
I was still shocked by my parents death and now I'm part of this other mafia family.
I decided to think about these things the following day, so I just got under the thick and luxurious blankets, with my clothes on that still had blood stains, and slowly drifted to sleep, not knowing how the next days would be.

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