Chapter 2 - New Life

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It's been a few weeks since Korn brought me to my new house.
Everyone was very kind to me: everyone left me a lot of privacy, no one ever dared to touch me, no one threatened me or stuff like that. It was weird, I thought, because I wasn't used to this kind of treatment.
I still found quite a few difficulties moving around the "Labyrinth", as I used to call it, and Korn was with me very often.
I thought about what he said about his children, but I didn't see a single sign of the presence of other children except me, so I decided to ask him about it.

I was in the large dining room, right in front of my room.
I had just finished eating dinner and Korn came to me to ask me how my day went, like he used to do every evening "Good evening Ada, how was your day?" he asked while sitting on a chair next to mine "It went well" I simply replied, but then I added "Khun Korn.. I wanted to ask you about your children.. where are they?" he looked at me and just smiled "Oh you remembered! I wanted to let you get used to this environment first, then I would have let you meet my sons" he smiled again "Can I.. meet them today?" I dared to ask, a little scared of his reaction. "Yes, I think you're ready to meet them and they've been looking forward to getting to know you since you came here" he said.
I didn't know they already knew I was there, but it didn't change things up a lot, so I just smiled at Korn and we went towards the room where his sons were.
We arrived in front of a big door that Korn opened and revealed two children, running after each other, laughing and screaming. I smiled at the view, but Korn interrupted this moment of joy "Hey! Stop a little bit young boys! I want to introduce you to Ada" the two boys stopped immediately and ran towards their father, then they saw me and they just stared at me with wide eyes, one of them, the youngest, even had his mouth open.
"Ada, these are two of my three children" he smiled "This is Tankhun, he's six years old and he is the first born" the kid smiled widely at me and bowed "Hi! Nice to meet you Ada!" he said in English, with a strong accent.
"Nice to meet you too Tankhun" I smiled back and bowed a little "And this is Kinn, he's just three and he is the middle child" Korn said while petting Kinn's head.
Kinn smiled and bowed and got a little flushed when I smiled back at him.
"I think you will get along" Korn said, smiling at both me and his kids.
"Dad, can we play with Ada now?" Tankhun asked "Not yet, she still needs to meet Kim" he petted the little one's head "Ok.. but please do it fast!" he said and then continued to play with his little brother.

Korn signed me to follow him and I complied. We arrived after a while in a big bedroom, way bigger than mine. I thought that was Korn's room because it was very luxurious and majestic.
Inside of it there was a woman, probably around the same age as Korn; she was on the king sized bed, holding something near her breasts. Korn knocked the side of the door gently and the woman looked up, she smiled softly at Korn and then she looked at me "Oh dear, you must be Ada right? Sorry I didn't introduce myself sooner, but this little one gave me some troubles" she laughed while pointing at the thing she was holding "Come here please" she asked me, still smiling.
She seemed so gentle and caring, her voice was soft, it felt like a sweet lullaby.
I walked towards the big bed and I stayed at her side, I looked over to see what she was holding and I found out she was holding a newborn, sleeping peacefully in his mother's arms "He is Kim, he's just a couple months old" the woman said, while taking a bit of the cloth that covered the baby's face away. The moment I saw that baby I felt a strong connection towards him, like he was my real little brother and I had to protect him. I found myself smiling widely and I felt the urge to hold him "He is so cute.." I said and then, after being a bit hesitant I added "Can i hold him?". The woman smiled and nodded, signaling me to sit next to her. I sat on the soft mattress and she handed me the baby, placing him carefully in my tiny arms. He was a bit heavy and warm, but I remember feeling something strange, that I've never experienced before: I felt my heart pounding fast, but not due to fear or worry, but I was happy. I stayed silent for a while, looking at Kim like he was the most beautiful thing in this world. "Are you ok Ada?" the woman asked me worriedly "Yes... It's just that.. he makes me happy and it's weird" I confessed, looking away "Oh it's normal, babies bring joy to everyone! Especially if they're calm and don't yell every two minutes" she laughed and stoked my back gently.
I then heard her coughing, but I didn't pay much attention to it. Korn signaled me to come to him "Let's go Ada, they both need to rest" he smiled kindly.
I sadly handed Kim back to his mother and I got off the bed, I went next to Korn and waved to the lady "See you tomorrow Ada!" she said, then she took Kim's little arm and made him wave at me, and with a baby voice she said "Sleep well Ada! I already love you so much!" and then she laughed. That action made me laugh too and then we headed back to my room, but instead of wishing me good night, Korn told me to get dressed, because we were going somewhere.

I did as he said and then followed him to his car. He drove by himself, without bodyguards and I remember thinking it was strange, but I shrugged it off.
We arrived at a big house after some minutes and we went inside.
Welcoming us there was a man, he seemed a bit creepy and intimidating.
He kneeled in front of me and asked Korn "Is she the kid you were talking about?" Korn nodded and then the man looked at me "Well, hi little girl" he smiled fakely "My name is Gun and I'm Korn's younger brother, so I guess I'm your uncle" he smiled again and got up.
Gun then told us both "Follow me, I know you want to see the two kiddos" and he started walking.
We followed him and while walking I looked around: the house was big, but smaller than Korn's house, it looked a bit duller and less luxurious.
We arrived in a large room where there was a child playing with a couple of hedgehogs. Gun cleared his throat and the kid immediately got up "Vegas, this young lady is Ada, she is your new cousin.. and Ada, this is Vegas, my older son, he is three years old" he said almost numbly, like he prepared the speech for days.
Vegas came to me and smiled "Hi Ada! Nice to meet you!" he said in almost perfect English, bowing afterwards "Do you want to.. see my hedgehogs..?" he shyly asked and I simply nodded while smiling. The two adults exited the room and I was left alone with Vegas.
He brought a hedgehog to me smiling widely "This is Macau! I named him after my little brother because he is in the hospital with mum and I want to see him" he said "You can pet him, he doesn't hurt I promise" and then he handed me the hedgehog. I clumsily took the animal between my hands and I watched it slowly gain confidence to open in my hands.
I smiled widely at the sight "I think he likes you!" Vegas said "Yeah, I hope so at least" I said in response, smiling at Vegas.
"Where are you from? You don't look Thai.." he asked, comprehensively "I was born in Italy, I came here five years ago"
"Wow! Italy is far!" he laughed. Hearing his laugh brought me the same joy I felt while holding Kim and I cherished those first few minutes I passed with Vegas.

After some time we headed back home and Korn put me to sleep. Before exiting my room I stopped him "Khun Korn" I called him "Yes Ada? There's something wrong?"
"No.. it's just that.. I feel very happy here.. especially now that I met my new brothers and cousins" I smiled "I'm so happy to hear this" he smiled like I've never seen before, he was like a child obtaining the toy he wanted for a long time. He came next to me and hugged me. It was the first time he dared to touch me and it felt so warm and comforting. I hugged him back and let myself enjoy the hug. After some seconds he detached from me and then left me alone to sleep peacefully in my new reality: I got a new family, a good family.

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