Chapter 9 - Escape

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My vision was all blurry, I heard everything muffled and the girls were screaming at me to not go out.
I opened the door and in front of me there was the guard, staring at me angrily “What are you doing? Do you want to come back to your room?” he asked coldly. I just closed the door behind me and punched him in the face with all my might. He almost fell on the floor, but quickly composed himself and punched my nose. I couldn’t even feel the pain, I just felt rage and blood boiling in my veins. He grabbed his gun and pointed it at my forehead. I simply looked at him and I just kicked his testicles so hard that he couldn’t even scream. He fell on the floor, grabbing his privates and dropping his gun. I quickly took it and shouted at him in the head, not thinking twice.
I felt his hot blood squirting on my face, his brain escaping his skull.

I realized after some seconds that the gun wasn’t silenced and that a couple guards in that area heard me. I heard them running in my directions, charging their guns.
I stayed there, waiting for them. As soon as they were in front of me they all painted their guns at me: there were three of them, one right in front of me and two at my sides.
I replayed in my head Korn’s lessons and I could almost hear his voice speaking. I faked surrender, raising my hands above my head and looking on the ground.
I saw two of them lowering their guns a bit and that was my chance: I shooted at the one still holding the gun firmly, getting him in the forehead and I ran towards his body, raising it and using it to cover myself from the incoming bullets. Behind the corpse, I shooted at the two men, killing one with one shot and the other with a couple more.
I grabbed all their guns, discarding the one I stole from the very first guard.

I started walking, searching for Sunan, hearing guys running down the stairs of the building, searching for me.
I shooted at them every time I heard one of them approaching me. I think I killed around fifteen people.
At some point I couldn’t hear any more steps or voices, so I figured out I killed all the guards. My body was covered in blood, the air was filled with silence and the smell of death. I paused, looking at my dirty hands, not even shaking, with just revenge in my mind and I recharged my guns carefully. I then began to search for Sunan. I shouted his name from time to time, threatening him. I remember searching everywhere: I checked every room, even finding some random people inside, shooting at them carelessly, even if they were completely innocent. I looked at the ground floor, then the first, the second. Sunan was nowhere to be found. I still had a couple of bullets with me and I was approaching the third and last floor.
As soon as I climbed the stairs, I heard his voice “Who’s there? WHO ARE YOU?! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!” he shouted from inside of a big room. I didn’t say a word and I just walked towards the noise.
He kept asking and shouting, saying he was armed and that he wouldn’t hesitate to kill whoever was doing all this mess.
While I walked, I dropped the extra guns, keeping just one and hiding it in the back of my pants.
I approached the closed door, hearing his raspy voice yelling behind it. I slowly opened, hearing him loading the gun he probably had in both his hands. When I opened the door I saw him: utterly scared, with sweat running down his face, his hands shaking and his breath heavy. As soon as he saw mehe lowered his gun, his face relaxing, and he pretended to be happy seeing me, not even thinking that I could’ve done all of that mess.
"Ada! Oh thank god you're alive!" he said, kissing my forehead and hugging me, not noticing the gun in my pants "Are you hurt?" he asked, checking on me, seeing all the blood I was covered in "Don’t worry! I will kill the bastard who caused all of this" he said confidently, pulling me inside the room and closing the door. I didn’t say a word, I was just planning my revenge on him.
We were in an almost empty storage room, with metal rods, some ropes, pieces of wood planks and a couple cans of gasoline.

He stayed in front of the door, his guard up, waiting to hear footsteps outside, his back facing me. I simply pointed the gun at one of his knees and pulled the trigger, watching him fall to the ground and dropping his gun to hold onto his now injured leg, screaming in pain. His screams felt like music to my ears and I started smiling.
"GOD! ADA! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" he yelled at me, now watching me and trying to get up. I didn’t let him even try, I pulled the trigger again, hitting his other knee. He screamed again, louder, insulting me. He crawled towards his gun, to pick it up and shoot back at me, but I quickly kicked the gun, making it reach the other side of the room.
"IT WAS YOU! YOU KILLED EVERYBODY! YOU FUCKING SLUT!" he kept yelling, tears of pain escaping his eyes. It was so pleasant to see him cry and suffer, like I did in those months.
"Why!? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?! I love you Ada! I love you with all of my heart! Don’t kill me please!" he pleaded, smiling at me, trying to convince me.
I simply grabbed a chair that was there, placed it in front of him and said "Sit." hearing a voice that didn’t even feel like mine, coming out of my throat
"Ada, please I beg you-"
"I SAID SIT" I yelled at him, rage filling my body. He crawled on top of the chair, sitting there. I grabbed a rope from the ground and tied him to the chair, tightly, so that he couldn’t escape. I particularly tied it very firmly around his knees, to make him suffer a little bit more.
"Ada look! I'm sorry for what I've done to you! I swear to God I will never do it again! I promise!" he kept trying to convince me and to save himself. I just punched him in the face "Oh I know you will never do it again, because tonight you will fivling die" I smiled widely at him, slapping his cheeks.
He kept begging me while I beated the shit out of him, punching his face, his stomach, kicking his legs, grabbing a metal rod and hitting him with that. He was coughing, spitting blood, covered in wounds and in pain.
I was out of breath from the energy and the might I was putting in torturing him, feeling a pleasant sensation everytime I hit him. I felt tears escaping my eyes while hitting him, remembering all he did to me, but I was smiling in relief. It felt so liberating.
"Ada.. Please.. hear me out" he said with a low and shaky voice
"What do you want now?" I asked, stopping my movements to listen to him
"I'm sincerely sorry.. I shouldn’t have done those things to you.. Ada I really love you and I want you to listen to me: I love you more than everything, you're my world.. please forgive me and give me another chance" he pleaded, with tears in his eyes, begging me to spare his life.
Every word he pronounced made my heart clench and my throat close, a knot forming in my stomach. It was rage, anger, he was lying like always, fucking with my brain like always. I didn’t believe him this time.
Tears of pure anger fell on my face, my fists clenching, I just kicked him in the chest, making him fall on the ground, still tied on the chair. He groaned in pain, his face all bruised and wounded twisted into a painful expression.
I squatted over his face, almost sitting on his chest "You love me uh? I'm sorry, I don’t" I smiled at him, getting up after. I was thinking of ways of killing him, but I wanted it to be a slow and painful death.
I remembered the cans of gasoline and an idea popped into my mind.
I grabbed one of the cans and poured gasoline all over Sunan, wetting him entirely.
"GOD NO! ADA PLEASE DON'T DO IT! I LOVE YOU I SWEAR!" he screamed, coughing from time to time from the gasoline on his face. I couldn’t care less, I just proceeded to pour more gasoline around him and all over the room. As soon as the can was empty, I squatted again in front of him: I was watching him from above, his face all fucked up and full of fear, his chest heaving up and down frenetically "Ada.. don’t.." he said, looking directly into my eyes "Sunan.. look at you.. all fucked up, bruised, crying, pleading.. I wanted to see you like this for a long time.. and now that you're here in front of me.. I feel very pleased and satisfied.. but not completely" I paused, grabbing a lighter from my pocket "You're still alive" I added, smiling and lighting the lighter in my hand.
His eyes widened in fear "ADA! YOU FUCKING WHORE! DON’T YOU DARE TO-'' and I simply dropped the lighter in his face. It landed on his forehead and he immediately lit up, the fire eating his entire body in a matter of seconds. I got up and watched him: he was screaming on top of his lungs, his skin burning, his body clenching and twisting, still restricted by the ropes. I quickly left the room before the flames could get me and I ran downstairs.

The other girls were still in the common room, so I got there and made them leave the building one by one, keeping them safe. The flames quickly ate the whole building and all of us were outside, watching the scary yet satisfying scene in front of us. I was covered in blood, dust and tears, mixed emotions in my head.
The girls didn’t dare to talk to me, except for Amelia, who came to me "Ada.. I don’t know what you did exactly.. but you surely saved all of us.. thank you.." she said, caressing my shoulder. I just stayed there, in silence, hypnotized by the destruction I created.
I heard the girls leaving one by one, leaving me alone. I remember it started raining heavily, but I was still there. I sat down and stared at the building for hours, the rain cleaning the blood from my body and mixing with my uncontrolled tears of goy.

I then decided to get up and go back home. I just wanted to see Korn, Tankhun, Kinn, Kim, Vegas and Macau again, I wanted to hug them and apologize.
I walked home under the rain, without even trying to cover myself. After an hour or two I arrived home. I quickly got in front of the door and knocked, hesitating a bit.
The door was soon opened by Korn "Ada.." he simply said, after a long agonizing silence "Dad.. I'm sorry" I said, crying and looking at the ground, ashamed of my actions towards him. I soon felt him embracing me in a tight, warm hug, not caring that I was soaked wet. I immediately hugged him back, very tightly, as if I let go he would disappear. God I've missed his hugs so much. We cried together at the entrance of our house, hugging each other, him kissing my wet hair from time to time. We then got inside and he smiled at me "Welcome back, my child" he said, caressing my cheek, noticing a tiny cut on it.
"What happened to you..?" he dared to ask, seeing my empty gaze and the wounds on my face
"Nothing.. it's just.. Sunan.. he.." the words got stuck in my throat, shame and disgust towards myself rising up
"Don’t worry, you're safe now" he simply said, hugging me again.
Soon realization hit me: I brutally killed Sunan and maybe fifteen men or more. I became a killer, my hands were dirty with blood and dust, my hair and clothes still smelled like gasoline and ashes.
But it felt good killing them.
I brushed off those thoughts as I remembered that I still had to see my brothers.

Korn brought me to the living room, where they were and left me there to leave me some time alone with them.
I slowly opened the door and I saw them, on the couch, immediately turning their little heads towards my direction. I bursted into tears as soon as our eyes met "BIG SISTER!" Kim yelled, running towards me and hugging one of my legs tightly, crying.
Kinn also ran towards me and hugged me, but he didn’t say anything, he just enjoyed the moment.
Tankhun was a bit reluctant, watching me with arms crossed "We heard everything.. That day when you left" he confessed, a stern look on his face. I just looked at him, tears still running down my face and I opened my arms, signaling him to come and hug me, which he did shortly after, followed by my apology whispered in his ear.
I repeatedly told them how much I've missed them, how sorry I was for saying such things and how much I loved them.
After an hour or so embracing all three of them and feeling the warmth of my family again, I remembered that I was soaked, so I quickly entered the bathroom. I ran myself a bath and got into the bathtub. The water was warm and comforting, the smell of soap invading my nostrils. I missed cleaning myself properly and I missed the feeling of a relaxing bath.
I stayed there for a while, curled up into a ball, hugging my knees.
I was at home, but something was off, I felt guilty, ashamed and almost empty, like I was numbed for too long and I couldn’t feel in the same way as before.
What mattered was just my family and their safety.
I would’ve never let anyone separate me from them again.

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