Chapter 7 - Hell

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A couple of weeks passed and I've never felt so bad in my life: every day, almost three times a day, I had "clients" to satisfy. Some of them were gentle, didn't give me bruises, while others were like animals, gripping me, turning me, using me, fucking me, humiliating me, like I was one of those fuck dolls made out of silicone.
I spent two weeks crying, screaming and suffering.
I couldn't recognize myself anymore: my face was covered in bruises all the time, from the slaps and grips of strangers. My eyes became empty, lifeless, with deep dark circles under them. My body was also covered in bruises, some "love bites" and scratch marks could be found sometimes.
I also lost weight, not too much, but I could see myself being way more skinny than before.
I was in constant pain, especially on my privates, that burned all day long.

I didn't want to exit my room, but that week I changed my mind and I wanted to go into the "common room" Sunan spoke about.
Speaking of Sunan, I barely saw him in those two weeks. He came to give me food and to check on me, but he didn't talk to me as much as the very first days. I didn't mind that, "At least he doesn't treat me badly" I thought, but I felt that something was a bit off. I didn't have a good feeling.

I was going to open the door to exit my room, but I couldn't even make it to the door handle that Sunan slammed the door open and smiled as soon as he saw me.
"Oh you're here little one! I was looking for you in the common room but I couldn't find you" he said, sitting on my bed
"I was going there.." I said with a low voice
"Oh.. and you're going to leave your boyfriend here, all alone?" he said with fake sadness in his eyes
"No.. I can go there later" I smiled a bit to him, because I liked to see the old Sunan, the one I fell in love with, the one who I knew loved me. Or at least, I hoped.
"Good girl, now come here" he said, patting his right leg, signaling me to sit there.
I did what he wanted and sat on his lap, feeling something weird under my bottom.
"Can you feel it love? This is what you're doing to me.. I tried to calm myself, but I can't help it.. you're too beautiful.. all bruised and worked up by clients" he said against my ear, kissing it from time to time.
I was utterly disgusted by him, but I hoped to see a sweet and caring Sunan after days of torture. I didn't, I just saw a repulsing man that wanted me to suffer again, but I was still in love with that man.
"Come on Ada.. let me love you" he whispered, groping parts of my bruised body.
"I.. It hurts.. I don't want to do it.." I tried to say with broken voice. I was terrified by the thought of Sunan abusing me, but at the same time I felt that it could be a way of bonding more with him and finding the old Sunan under that monster.
"Come on baby.. I will go slow, I promise.." he kissed my cheek and caressed my hair, smiling against my skin.
I felt like he was asking for my permission. I felt like if I told him "no" another time, he would've stopped. That's why I just nodded and let him do his thing.
He smiled more and he immediately layed me on my mattress, delicately. He hovered over me and started kissing me eagerly. I didn't want to respond to the kiss, but I did it anyways, even if that action grossed me like nothing else.
I started repulsing kisses since he forced me to kiss him the first days he brought me here. It felt like a deeper type of violence, a way of telling me that he could destroy the most pure and innocent parts of myself.
He kept kissing me, removing our clothes in between, soon leaving us completely naked. It was the first time I saw Sunan naked. I remember thinking he was very well built: he was tanned and pretty fit, with abs showing and big arms. I thought he was beautiful and I was almost happy that we were being intimate.
He suddenly opened my legs, looking intensely at my womanhood "Oh god.. you're so beautiful.." he said, breathing heavily.
He positioned himself in front of my privates. I was in pain, but I let him push himself in, and he did, surprisingly slowly and carefully. When he was all the way inside, he let out a loud sigh, closing his eyes and gritting his teeth "God you're so warm.. and so tight" he commented, starting to move. He began slowly, hurting me a little, but I didn't mind it, I just liked seeing him enjoy the moment.
Soon the atmosphere changed: he started going fast and hard, hurting me a lot.
"Sunan! Please stop! It hurts so bad!" I asked him, trying to move him away, almost crying.
"Don't fucking talk! I will stop when I want to, you don't have the right to tell me what to do" he said coldly, gripping my neck tightly to shut me up. I was barely breathing and I could just cry. I tried to free myself from his grip, but he was too strong.
He kept fucking me roughly until he came on my belly. When he finished he freed my neck from his grip and I started breathing heavily, searching for air, crying and coughing.
"You feel so fucking good love.. so so good" he said under his breath, getting up from the bed and throwing a couple of tissues at me "clean yourself" he said firmly, while entering my bathroom.
I sat on the bed, body aching and mind suffering. I couldn't comprehend how his mind worked. I couldn't understand if he was mentally ill or if he was just very good at manipulating and confusing me.
I cleaned myself and I tried to dress back up when Sunan came back, looking at me sternly.
"Why do you have clothes in your hands?" He asked
"I.. you finished.. and I thought-" I was interrupted by him slapping my cheek forcefully
"DID I SAY THAT YOU COULD DRESS BACK UP?" he yelled at me, gripping my hair.
"No.." I said after a sob escaped my mouth.
"I wanted to fuck you just one more time.. but you decided to be a fucking brat.." he said, slapping me again and slamming me on the bed.
"You're in for a full day session, little bitch" he said, smiling, his member hardening right after he slapped me another time.
He abused me all day, fucking my privates, my mouth, my arse, every part of me, even my mind. He hit me like never before, leaving me unrecognizable: my face was all swollen, I couldn't open one of my eyes and my mouth was all red and broken. My body was covered in bites, bruises, handprints, he even cut me lightly with a switchblade in some parts.
I remember crying all the tears I had, leaving me with none. I screamed at the beginning, but after an hour or so I stopped, numbing myself completely, hearing all the sounds muffled and feeling everything like it wasn't real. It felt like a bad, bad nightmare.
When he finished torturing me he left, smiling at me and leaving the room after saying "I love you!" to me.
That disgusted me even more.
I stayed on my bed, in a fetal position, feeling blood leaving my body, feeling his semen on my body, some still runny, feeling my dried tears on my cheeks.
I stayed in my room for another week, waiting to heal a bit before knowing the other girls. I was also scared to find Sunan behind my door, ready to abuse me again.
In that week I also started to learn how to fake my emotions to clients: I started to fake being happy, being aroused by them, being pleased by them. They seemed to enjoy it and to treat me more like a human.

One day, after showering after my last client of the day, I went upstairs and searched the "common room". As I walked around, I noticed that the place was full of armed guards, watching every move I made. This discovery made a shiver run down my spine.
The "common room" was behind a big door, with a guard in front of it "You are Ada, right?" he asked me as soon as he saw me "Yes.. can I enter?" I asked, and he opened the door for me right after.
I went inside and the guy closed the door behind me vigorously. As soon as I entered the room, I saw them: there were around thirty women, some looked older, while others looked in their twenties, all chatting together, smoking, some even laughing and joking with each other. They've been there for a long time for them to feel that comfortable, I thought.
After some seconds, they all looked at me and started whispering to each other. One of them got up and walked towards me, a young girl in her twenties with long red hair, fair skin and green eyes. She wasn't Thai for sure. When she approached me, she put a hand on my shoulder
"Hi! What's your name dear?" she asked softly, smiling at me
"Ada.. and you?" I asked her, feeling at ease with her
"I'm Amelia Basicò, nice to meet you" she smiled more.
As soon as she said her surname my body stiffened: she had my same surname.
My biological family is a Sicilian mafia family and my father's surname was "Basicò".
"Did you just say Basicò?" I asked her, shocked
"Yes! I know, it's a weird surname" she laughed
"It's.. my surname.." I said, almost whispering.

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