Gut Feeling

13 2 0


[9:20 PM]

[Mandela County, Wisconsin]




David had been arguing with his parents for who knows how long. For he had recently decided he no longer cared about what HE did to him anymore...he had to warn his parents, he just HAD to!!

Unfortunately, like he had guessed, his Mom and Dad didn't even believe him...much less took him seriously....

So now here he was, arguing with his own parents and trying to get them to believe him.

"What's there not to understand?! It's clearly all fucking fake!! Why the hell can't you see it for yourself?! You're seriously going to believe a False God over your OWN GOD DAMN SON?! ARE YOU GOING CRAZY?! DID YOU NOT REMEMBER THAT FUCKING DREAM I HAD WHEN I WAS 12?!?!?!" David yelled as he clutched his hands into a fist and furrowed his eyebrows, glaring directly at Samuel and Barbara.

Barbara pinched her nose in anger and frustration. "Oh my god, David!! Enough with this nonsense!! For the last time; ALL OF THESE THINGS YOU'VE BEEN QUOTE UNQUOTE 'TOLD' WAS A LIE!!!" Barbara yelled back.

"Listen to your mother, young man!!" Samuel said as he pointed at David.

"Oh. my. GOD! ARE YOU DELUSIONAL?!?! CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT DANI'S AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT-" David started, but was cut off by Samuel.

"END OF ARGUMENT!!" He yelled furiously.

David stared at them, stunned and angry. "Oh wow, it's not wonder why people call you guys weird...IT'S 'CAUSE YOU'RE ALL FUCKING WEIRD!!!" He said, mentally bracing himself for another argument to start.

"IF THAT'S THE WAY YOU THINK THEN GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE!!!" Samuel said as he pointed towards the front door in fury.

"....UGH!!!!" David stomped his foot and stormed upstairs to get his stuff. It's not like he wanted to  be in this house for any longer anyways.

Upon making his way to his room, he just so happened to pass by Daniella, who had been listening to the whole argument while crying. David stared at his sister for a moment before frowning, grumbling a bit before crossing his arms.

"You were literally possessed by it when you were 6! Why on earth can't you see it also?!" He asked his sister. 

Daniella didn't respond and just looked off to the side and buried her face into her knees. David scoffed and continued to his room.

After packing all of his things, David made his way downstairs and to the front door to leave. Before doing so, he looked over at his parents and narrowed his eyes at them.

"Honestly, it's no surprise that you both chose that thing over me..." David sneered.

"Whatever...just go!" Barbara said as she waved him off.

David sighed and turned his back before before stepping outside and closing the door behind him. He got into his truck and turned on the engine before driving away. As soon as he was out of sight of his house, David began to cry.

Why couldn't they grasp the fact that they were in danger?

Why didn't they understand??

As he was driving, David suddenly remembered; There was still one last person who believed him! One last person who understood the truth like he did!! He pulled onto the side of the road and took out his phone and dialed their number.






Lester sat on the couch of his living room one night, his favorite movie blaring on the small TV he had illegally purchased recently. All was peaceful and quiet until he heard his kitchen phone ring. He looked at the phone ring before rising to off the couch and to his feet and walking over to the phone, picking it up and putting it to his ear. "Hello, this is Lester. How can I help you?"

David's voice came from the other end. "Hey! Long time no see, huh? How've you been?"

"David? Oh my god, hey! It's been awhile yeah! And I've been doing well. You?" Lester asked as he twirled the cord of the phone in between his fingers.

He heard David yawn. "I've been doing alright...sorta....I just got kicked out of my house, though..." He said with a sigh.

"Oh my god...I'm so sorry for you. Is there any way I can help you?" Lester said concerned.

"Yeah I know. Anyways I was wondering if I could crash at your place for least until I can afford a place of my own, and get a job..." David said.

Lester thought about for a second before sighing. "Yeah sure. I don't mind."

David sighed in relief. "Thank you so much! You're a lifesaver! Anyways, I'll see you in a few minutes."

Lester nodded and David hung up the phone. Lester then put the phone back before going to set up a room for David to stay in. As soon as he finished was when he heard a car pull into the driveway and a knock at the door.

He opened it and saw David standing there, and right away he noticed that David's eyes were a faint red color. 'Has he been crying?' Lester thought.

"Hey! It's been so long..." David said as he hugged Lester. He was surprised at first but he hugged back anyway.

As he did, a figure standing on the other side of the street  captured his attention...

...A figure that looked all too similar to David...

"Hey Dave...You don't happen to have twin brother, right?" Lester asked him, to which David shook his head.

"No why?" David asked as Lester kept his eyes glued to the alternate across the street. "Then who's that over there?"
Lester looked down at David and pointed where the alternate was.

It was gone when David turned to look.

"You sure you weren't just picturing things in your head?" David said

"David, look at me. You know damn well that you and I are the best people to be discussing this topic right now...We both know this isn't in your head..." Lester said as he grabbed David by his shoulders.

David only sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Can we talk about this in the morning? I really don't feel like doing this right now..."

Lester thought for a few seconds before sighing. "Alright. Just make sure you get a knife from the kitchen in case it attacks, alright?"

David nodded and followed Lester inside his house while Lester kept an eye on the spot where the alternate once stood.

He wasn't exactly sure why, but the second he saw that alternate...

He knew something bad was bound to happen to David...


Word count: 1060 words

©Itz_Seiko All Copyrights Reserved

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