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A soft serene place, all for myself. Refreshing water spiraling down staircases and down ramps, like a dream. Somehow, this all didn't make sense. Why was I even here anyway?

I pulled myself up onto the ledge by the window, realizing there was no glass, just an endless farm of clouds in the distance. There didn't seem to be any wind either, and when I looked down at my feet, I noticed I was still wearing the striped t-shirt and dark orange shorts. They weren't wet either.

Maybe it is a dream..

I stepped out into the window frame, holding onto the white metal. Through the small black shoes, I gripped my toes onto the ground. I was nervous to move, looking down into the abyss. There was no end—hell, you couldn't see the rest of the building either, it was like it floated, like it wasn't some skyscraper filled with water.

My heart pounded when I let go of the frame, taking a step forward and falling.

I blinked, bouncing on my back, panting with a pain in my chest. I looked up at the sky through the net ceiling, fumbling to sit back up, but something else was making the ground bounce.


I couldn't get up any further than my knees, looking up at the two brothers fighting each other in the balloon fortress. I really couldn't believe my eyes, grabbing the side of my head and holding back the most excited scream in my life. "Luther!"

I had absolutely no idea what this bounce thing was that we were on, but it made it almost impossible to crawl to Luther and give him the most forceful hug in my life, kissing his cheek and patting his hair.

Klaus kicked back his legs, adjusting his shirt. He was just getting beaten by Luth, and had to fix the satin button-up. "Thank God you died too."

I was almost too happy to see Luther to know what he said. Almost. I stopped immediately. "What?"

"Oh, you didn't know babe?" Klaus chuckled, "I-I guess it's fair, Luther didn't either—it's both of your guys' first time dying."

I felt my face twitch, turning and looking out the netting on the walls of the bounce building. "Then what is this place..?"

Luther stood up too, crossing his arms, "Yeah, Klaus, why don't you explain that?"

"Because I don't want to, I was never a teacher," Klaus blew raspberries and rolled out of the balloon home. Luther followed after, throwing off the balance of the floor, and tumbling forward, I chased them too.

We were back at the pool place, and Luther was pressing Klaus into the ceramic tiles in a submission hold. I blinked and thought for a moment, "Why are you guys even fighting?"

"Because he won't find out how to go and save our family!" Luther grunted, slamming Klaus' head into the ground again. Klaus didn't make much noise besides a soft gasp, more at the motion than the pain.

Curious, I pinched my skin with two sharp nails, surprised to find there was no pain. I guess that falling just frightened me, and I hadn't expected to land on the balloon floor.

"Oh come on!" Klaus argued, "I already told you, they'll be here soon enough!"

"I don't want Sloane to die like me, and I swear if Dad touches her—" His large fist pummeled Klaus into dust. Or uh.. metaphorically. I mean, Klaus was fine. He just looked annoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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