~8~Devil Surprise (4)

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[Words<3 1610<3]

{There will also be a part 5 to this probably will be the last part to Devil Surprise and i know i know you don't have to tell it's really long}

ShuQi pov:

Yuqi was still in the bathroom trying to catch her breath when she saw a staff member come running to her.

The staff member

The staff member said when they saw her on the floor holding her head whit one hand and trying to breathe.

Yuqi putted up one of her hands as a signal that she was okay.

"I'm okay."

The staff member
"Are you sure miss? Do you need any water or anything?"

Yuqi was still trying to stand up on her feet her whole body shaking.

"No I'll be okay thanks I'll get going to my girlfriend she must be wondering whete i am."

The staff member looked at her whit worried eyes but still nodded.

Yuqi managed to get out of the bathroom and to go to Shuhua that was looking at her.

"Darling? Everything okay? You were in the bathroom for about 10 minutes you got me worried."

Yuqi looked Shuhua straight in the face and lied to not worry her.

"Yes I'm fine even a staff member came to check up on me."

Shuhua signed in relief believing half the lie Yuqi told her.

{I mean like if i was in Yuqi s situation i would to so don't blame her.}

"Shouldn't you're mother be by here now tho?"

"Yeah I'm wondering where she is should i call her?"

"Go ahead I'll be waiting love."

Yuqi nodded took the phone and went outside to talk to her mother.

When her mother answered she signed.

"Where are you mom?"

Yuqi s mother
"Almost there be patient please you know I'm kinda old I don't have the legs to walk so please be patient."

"I understand mother see you soon!"

Yuqi s mother
"See you!"

Yuqi hanged up the phone getting inside the cafe to tell her girlfriend.

"So what happened darling?"

Yuqi signed and sitted down.

"Everything is alright she's almost here she's just a little slow sometimes sorry."

Shuhua gigled.

"No need to be sorry she'll come soon."

Yuqi signed and they waited for 10 more minutes.

Soojin pov:

Soojin and her "friend" were having a blast at the party until...

Until the music stopped.

Soojin and her "friend" boft turned they're head's to the DJ to see what was the issue.

When it was silent and no one said anything or neither the DJ fixed the music Soojin screamed.


The DJ got a mic to speak.

The DJ
"There seems to be some problems whit the music and it can't continue I'm sorry."

ShuQi •~Enemys to Lovers~• (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now