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After their little ordeal, the couple ventured out into town, their hands entwined tightly as if seeking solace in each other's touch. Maeve walked closely behind Maurits, her steps synchronized with his, both trying to shield themselves from the prying eyes that had become even more relentless. The news had spread like wildfire, exaggerating the events and falsely claiming that Maurits had killed Kay for Maeve's sake. They were inseparable now, and the townspeople's curiosity only intensified their desire for privacy.
As they reached a particular place in town, Maurits paused, his grip on Maeve's hand tightening ever so slightly. "This is the spot where those who were bitten and underwent enough changes to become dangerous were executed," he revealed, withholding the grim truth that any discovery of a bite marked meant a death sentence. The townsfolk believed that once bitten, there was almost no hope for redemption. if the transformation wouldnt stop after two days, it meant they were not immune, and had to be killed.
"The shops," he said, coming to a stop in front of a street lined with an array of stores. "You can find everything here, from food to clothes—whatever your heart desires, I can buy or obtain for you," he assured her, his voice filled with confidence. She walked silently by his side, her eyes scanning over the shops, taking in the sights and possibilities.
Pointing towards a gate, he explained, "Here is one entrance to the town, and on the northern border, there is another heavily guarded gate." His words conveyed both protection and a subtle warning, ensuring she knew the boundaries of her freedom within this place. He wanted her to feel safe here, but also understand that leaving without his knowledge was not an option.
He proceeded to guide her through the town, showing her various locations such as the training grounds and the farms. The sun had already passed its zenith, indicating that noon had come and gone. As they walked, she remained mostly quiet, observing her surroundings with a mix of curiosity and caution.
Then, unexpectedly, she whispered, "Horses." Her voice barely reached his ears, but he was attuned to her every word. He followed her gaze, which led them to a group of five horses. These steeds belonged to the town's scouting team, led by Maurits, but they were seldom used for their intended purpose.
"Yes, I own them. Do you like horses?" he inquired, closing the distance between them and the magnificent creatures. She nodded eagerly in response, her eyes sparkling with delight.
"When I was younger, I used to ride them," she revealed softly, ensuring that only he could hear her confession. Memories of a simpler time flooded her mind, and the desire to experience that joy again welled up inside her.
"Would you like to ride again?" he asked, pushing a few strands of hair behind her ear, his touch both gentle and comforting. Her breath caught for a moment, and then she nodded with enthusiasm.
"Tomorrow," he promised, his voice filled with sincerity. He observed her deep in thought, her eyes narrowing as she searched for the right words. His hand continued to stroke her arm gently, soothing her racing heart, encouraging her to take her time.
Suddenly, breaking the silence, she inquired, "Why does she follow us?" Catherine, who had been trailing behind them, had caught her attention. Maeve had noticed her presence from the start, just as Maurits had, but Maurits wasn't aware of Maeve her awareness.
"Because she's a pain in our ass," he hissed, frustration lacing his words. The mention of Catherine's name brought forth a tinge of irritation.
"Can we go home?" she whispered, her body slumping against his chest. He could sense her weariness, realizing that the events of the day had taken their toll on her far quicker than he had anticipated. He understood, knowing that she rarely ventured outside.
"Of course, my darling," he assured her, his voice filled with tenderness. He nodded in agreement, fully aware that she needed rest and comfort.
"Do you want to walk, or shall I carry you?" he inquired, noticing a slight pallor on her face. Fatigue had suddenly hit her with a forceful blow, causing her delicate frame to tremble.
"Carry," she whimpered, her small hands clinging to his shirt. The weariness in her voice was palpable, a plea for relief and support.
"Your wish is my command," he murmured, his voice brimming with devotion. Gently, he scooped her up, placing her on his hip, her weight feeling light against his strength. Before moving forward, he pressed a loving kiss to her lips, a tender gesture to reassure her.
She nestled her head against his shoulder, finding solace in the embrace and the security of his arms. As they began their journey back home, he walked with a careful stride, mindful of her comfort and well-being. He whispered soothing words into her ear, his voice like a gentle melody that eased her tired mind. The warmth of his touch radiated through her, erasing the weariness that had burdened her earlier.
"Mate!" Johnny called out from behind, interrupting the tranquility of their journey. Maeve instinctively buried her face deeper into the crook of Maurits' neck, attempting to shield herself from Johnny's gaze.
"Do you guys want to eat with me? Sasha will be there. I think Maeve would like her. She's much like Sophie," Johnny proposed, mentioning a name that piqued Maeve's interest. Sophie was someone she liked, and the thought of meeting someone similar sparked a glimmer of curiosity within her.
"I don't think so," Maurits promptly declined, his voice filled with a hint of possessiveness.
"Mate, she has to have some friends," Johnny persisted, his concern evident in his tone.
"She has me. That's all she needs!" Maurits growled, his response laced with protectiveness, unwilling to entertain the idea of Maeve forming relationships beyond their own.
"Maurits!" Johnny tried again, his voice carrying a note of exasperation.
Meanwhile, Johnny's words directed towards Maeve, "Maeve do you want to eat at my house. It won't be crowded just you Maurits me and Sasha. A very nice girl. We will have ice cream!" Maeve's eyes shifted from Johnny to Maurits, uncertainty clouding her expression as she struggled to find her voice.
Sensing her hesitation, Maurits raised an eyebrow and asked, "You want ice cream, don't you?" Maeve nodded ever so slightly, her desire for the sweet treat evident in her eyes.
"You're not going to cry, and you're not going to whine. If we go, you will behave. It's your decision to go, understood?" Maurits laid down the rules sternly, reminding her of the expectations if she were to accompany them to Johnny's place. Maeve's jaw clenched as she contemplated his words, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions. After a moment of silent deliberation, she tentatively nodded, her resolve taking shape.
With the agreement established, Maurits steadied her with his unwavering gaze, assuring her that he would be there every step of the way. Johnny smiled warmly, appreciating the small victory of persuading Maeve to join them.

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