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Sophie and Maeve continued their search through the dusty aisles of the shop, determined to find something suitable. The atmosphere was one of quiet focus, punctuated only by the occasional rustle of fabric or clink of metal.
Sophie held up a skirt, examining it thoughtfully. "What about this one, Maeve?" she asked, turning to show it to her.
Maeve's eyes lit up slightly as she inspected the skirt. It was simple but practical, made of sturdy material that seemed suitable for their rough lifestyle. She nodded approvingly. "Yes," she said.
Encouraged, Sophie continued sifting through the racks. After a few more minutes, she found a pair of pants that looked both durable and comfortable. "And these?" she asked, holding them out.
Maeve took the pants and felt the fabric, then tried them on for size. They fit well enough, and she gave Sophie a small smile. "Good."
They moved on to the shirts, where Sophie managed to find two that caught Maeve's eye. One was a simple, long-sleeved shirt in a dark green, while the other was a light gray tunic that looked like it would be perfect for layering. "I think these will work," Maeve said, holding them up to herself in front of a cracked mirror.
Maurits watched them from the doorway, a proud smile tugging at his lips as he saw Maeve finding some semblance of satisfaction in their small haul.
After securing the clothes, the trio turned their attention to another section of the shop, one that held far more promise. The weaponry corner was a treasure trove of potential. Maeve's eyes gleamed with interest as she perused the collection of knives, bows, and arrows.
"Do you see something you like?" Maurits asked as he came over.
"These are pretty." She whispered touching the knifes before her.
"Try them." Maurits said grabbing the knifes placing them in her hand.
They were finely balanced, with handles wrapped in leather for a secure grip. She tested the weight and balance, giving an appreciative nod. "I like these," she declared.
"Then we will take them." He said with a smile. Her eyes wandered over the shop stopping at the arrows in the corner.
two sets of arrows, their shafts made of strong wood and tipped with sharp, glinting points. The fletchings were a mix of bright colors, and Maeve admired their craftsmanship. " pretty," she said with a smile.
"Alright darling."
Sophie found a few useful items as well, including some extra string for their bows and a small whetstone for sharpening blades. Maurits, always alert, kept a careful watch but couldn't help feeling a sense of relief that they were finding what they needed.
They were back on the road. Dylan sat in the front while Maurits was driving. Sophie was beside Maeve, and next to Sophie was Derek. Maeve was smiling softly as she laid her head against Sophie's shoulder, reading "Harry Potter."
"What are you reading, Robin Hood?" Dylan asked, having thought of the new nickname.
"I don't like it," she muttered.
"The book?" Dylan asked, confused.
"The nickname, dickhead," Maurits clarified.
Dylan rolled his eyes but chuckled. "Alright, no more Robin Hood, how is the book Maeve?."
"It's great," Maeve said, her eyes lighting up. "I'm at the part where Harry is about to play his first Quidditch match."
"I remember seeing it in the cinema!" Dylan said, nodding happily.
"Was it good?" Maeve asked him, her tone mildly curious.
"Yes, truly good stuff," he replied, smiling brightly at her. Maeve didn't look up from her book, but she acknowledged his enthusiasm with a slight nod.
"How long?" Maeve asked, finally looking up, knowing that Maurits preferred eye contact when she spoke.
"Half an hour, darling," Maurits replied, catching her gaze through the mirror.
"Okay, thank you," she muttered, appreciating the information before returning to her book.
Maurits watched her for a moment, his expression softening. Despite the circumstances, he always found a way to make her feel seen and heard. He turned his attention back to the task at hand, ensuring everything was in place for their upcoming plans.
Sophie glanced around the room, feeling the need to clarify their next steps. "So what is precisely the plan?" she asked, addressing the group in general.
Maurits took a moment to himself, reflecting on the plan he had devised for their trip to the mansion. It was a risky endeavor, but one he felt was necessary for their survival and growth. The mansion, once a symbol of stability and normalcy for Maeve, now held the key to understanding and controlling the walkers.
Maurits' plan was multi-faceted. The first objective was to find the herd near the mansion and ascertain its size and composition. He needed to know how many walkers they were dealing with and whether there were any anomalies or threats within the group. This information was crucial for devising a safe and effective strategy for training and manipulation.
Once they reached the mansion, the group would set up a secure perimeter. Johnny and Dylan, along with a few other trusted members, would scout the area thoroughly to ensure there were no immediate dangers or lurking threats. They would catalog the herd's movements, noting patterns and behaviors that could be exploited.
Maurits intended to gradually introduce Maeve to the herd. Her unique ability to sense and influence the walkers was still a mystery, but it was one he believed held great potential. He wanted to observe how the walkers reacted to her presence, but he knew it had to be done carefully, in controlled increments, to ensure her safety.
"once we get to the mansion, we'll need to find the herd and see how many there are. I want to take it slow, okay? We'll observe them from a distance first."
Sophie nodded while Maeve didn't even notice their conversation.
"Then, we'll start working on getting Maeve close to them. I need to see how they react to you. We'll do it in stages, making sure you're safe at all times," he explained, his voice calm and reassuring.

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