Early education at home

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Hayley exaggeratly said: " Are all of you insane and crazy. He is just 1 year old and you all want him to learn these things. Why are putting so much pressure on him. I swear to god, if you all do such crazy thing, I will call grandpa and tell him that all of you are mentally ill and hurting William."

Mom said: " No. No one is going to do anything. He will grow like normal baby."

Alex said: " He is not normal baby, he is GENIUS. Don't you see, he started crawling in 3rd month and started walking in 4th month only. Who can do this?? He started speaking in what...like 6 months and able to speak clear words and sentences in 8th - 9th month. He can write and memorized alphabets of English language while being a year old only. He learned language so quickly and everything we taught him in just one month.  He also eats alot compared to other babies so his brain and body is more developed compared to his age. And their is no harm in trying what dad is saying. We will buy him mind games and puzzles, teach him things taught in pre- kindergarten to see how much intelligent he is and how much has his brain developed. If he did well then, start teaching him more advanced things. It is still early to take IQ test but he is definitely above 160, probably more than Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking. ( Alex came to this conclusion because these activities are not enough to show his Full potential at this age which itself is nowhere near his Max capacity, so major underestimation took place here.)
You will only ruin his potential and talent if you don't treat him like genius but raise him like normal baby. "

Listening Alex words, Mom and dad nodded but Hayley was angry. She said: " I'm calling grandpa, let's see what he says to this."

I was happy that things are going in right direction. Later that day granda Jay came to our house and talked with my parents. Next day my training and education started. Summer break was going, so Hayley, Luke and Alex were at home. Alex started to teach me reading and maths. I started acting and learned pretty fast. Alex was astonished by my speed of learning. Then Phil bought few mind games, cubes and puzzles for me to solve.

First, dad and Alex did things and showed to me in order to convey what they are doing and what they wanted me to do. These things were easy for me and I did almost immediately. They were happy seeing me solving puzzles fast. Things were going great, I learned more. Time passed 1 year more.

During my first and second birthday, many people came and congratulated me. They got to know that I'm genius, some were happy and most people didn't think much. They bought gifts as well, many of which were not of my liking. Till my second birthday, I learned curriculum of pre- kindergarten, kindergarten and upto 2nd grade, usually taught in American education system.

My parents and  siblings were astonished and happy for me. Alex was little distressed that someone in this family was more intelligent than her but she doted on me and was very happy not only for me but also for her that finally someone is there in her family with whom she can talk and understand her humor at equal level.

I was also very happy and grateful towards my family and especially Alex as she spent most time with me and helped & taught me despite her busy time. I also started little singing and mom & Hayley were very happy. They wanted to hire music teacher to teach me systematically but were not able to find or something happened.

My voice was very pure, smooth and melodious. Oh, BTW I started speaking fluent English months before my second birthday. In my third year, I completed entire elementary school level curriculum with the help of Hayley's and Alex's books. Alex helped me with material and I played along.

During entire time, I was strict on my diet with proper amount of fruit and vegetables as well and my hunger grew pretty much. I was eating the food of 3 to 5 times of what children usually eat.  I eat 5 times a day; Breakfast, Lunch, dinner and between breakfast and Lunch, between Lunch and dinner. Proportions each time were high as much as Luke was eating.

I fixed my daily schedule as well eg. I woke up at 6 in morning, freshen up, then started reading. After Phil woke up, go to walk with him; breakfast, Lunch; I Spend most of my time studying; I played alongwith Dad, Luke and sisters at fixed time; then dinner and finally sleeping early and at fixed time. Dad was fairly irregular with his morning walks so I did yoga during those days as I was not allowed to walk outside home alone.

My siblings called me 'Lark' , my dad called me 'Early bird'.  My mom also did yoga with me as she carried that habit from her pregnancy during my time. My body was healthy, mind was joyful, plans were proceeding and things were going in right direction. During this time, a music teacher was hired for me, I also learned singing and music systematically. During all these three years system gave some tasks and regular 100 points every 2 months.

Eg. When I first walked on my feet; System: ' Congratulations to the host for taking first step. 50 points are rewarded.'

When I first spoke; system: ' Congratulations to the host for speaking first time. 50 points and Professional level melodious and charming voice is rewarded.'

When I first started to learn; system: ' congratulations to the host. Conditions are met, 2% of your full intelligence is unlocked.'

And such similar occasions. I also got points based on my fame which were easy to get but ratio or correlation is difficult to guess and required more sample. You can purchase many things in shop but Experiences can't be brought in Shop, they can only gained through system rewards or your hard work.

But if you work hard, system helps you to level up but intiation must be done you. In my fourth year, I completed whole curriculum of middle school taught in American education system and reached at the level of Alex's school education. At the age of 3 usually, children are enrolled in pre- kindergarten. Pre- kindergarten happens between age of 3-5, Although it's not compulsory in American education system but most of the financially well families enroll their child into pre- kindergarten.

I was way above the level of pre- kindergarten when I was 3 years old. I'm now 4 years old and already knew upto middle school level. So after discussion in family, I was not enrolled for pre- kindergarten when I tured three. But next year, when I will turn 5 years old, I have to be enrolled in kindergarten for elementary school level education because it is compulsory in American education system.

I also started learning cello from my sister Alex as she was learning cello from mentor. I also started becoming humorous and started cracking jokes during daily interaction with family. They loved my humourous side and jolly personality.

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