Game company development (1)

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Months have passed and " Galaxy games Pvt. Ltd. " has sweeped the North American market and entered into various foreign markets with good prospects as Well and one of them is Japanese market. Why I mentioned this market in particular is because of few important things related to this country's market in my previous life.

Before that one important thing has to mentioned here and that is If an enterprise wants to develop rapidly, it cannot do so without the support of talents, and the rise of a new force will step on the corpse of an old overlord, which is the law of natural development. Enterprise development must also capture the market share of other enterprises and grab food from others. The game market is even more so. The children of each family are fixed. They spend more time playing " Galaxy " games and less time playing games of other companies; Not even play.

From my previous life knowledge, I know that the rise of a game giant in the 1970s- 80s and few years in 1990s has caused great repercussions all over the world, that is, Japanese game giant Nintendo. The card factory established at the end of the 19th century developed into a game giant; In addition to the extraordinary ability and foresight of enterprise leaders, they are also inseparable from the Sky high performance of two geniuses.

Yoshiaki Koizumi and Shigeru Miyamoto, one swept the army in hardware production and the other sought defeat alone in game development. Now these two people have not been particularly outstanding. It is a good time for me and my company to have them.

Due to my age and various other difficulties, I usually don't travel much and obviously has not travelled for business purposes outside the country. It's one thing to convince and make your team and employees in higher hierarchy in company to follow your commands at this young age of 5-6 yr old; which thanks to the support of dad, grandpa, Uncle Mitchell and his introduced Lawyer and much largely thanks to my high luck; it's whole different thing to participate in negotiation at this age which usually don't conform to the other party's Norm in their mind.

That is why, even if I travel with my team for business purposes, I usually remain behind the scene and only approve final outcome.

Keeping these things in mind, I contacted concerned personal to keep an eye on talented individuals in other countries as well for recruitment. I ordered them to make a detailed profiles of these individuals who were to be filtered by them initially so that I can make final confirmation.

For these type of individuals who are approved by me for higher positions in my expanding game company due to my previous life's knowledge and other various obvious reasons; I instructed my legal department to make special contracts for them with high retention years eg. 10 years, with even higher liquidation damages and first right of refusal for contract renewal etc.

Of course with these preventive measures, we have to provide higher salaries and other perks eg. covering various costs for daily life such as medical costs, insurances, annual salary increase by some amount/percentage etc. and some profits from game sales to the main person/ department pitching the New idea that worked or involved in and executing the plans ( which obviously be not much, not more than 1-2.5% ) etc.

Few perks were quite handsome and forward looking than that of the prevalent in the market at this time. I instructed my team to structure them on the pattern of Silicon valley perks of previous life but this was just framework or outer shell to make it look like unique, revolutionary and one of its type etc but inner core/ fillers conformed to the this times market practices and slightly more but not that much advanced to limit these costs.

Anyways, this perk framework will become common in America and Silicon valley specially in few coming years, so why not preempt this move and earn fame for it, as it gives you that felling even if it is totally different from Inside.

Some will say that what's the point, people will know after few years anyways. No, they will not because It actually provides some real extra benefits to these employees and it's difficult to spot the similarity with current market practices as I made it to look like so.

Along with these things going on in parallel, I also made my legal team to register few hardware patents eg. Handle modeling and cross keys, game consoles etc. Obviously it will be global patent and copyright. These things served as important guarantee that my company will not be dependent on others for these crucial hardwares.

Alongwith these things, I also designed the draft for two game consoles. One is handheld game consoles with card slot having three No. 5 battery with weight not exceeding 300gm which in itself is quite good challenge but for others it's very great challenge. Other is family game consoles to fill the big market left by Arcade machines.

At weekend, I took the meeting of higher personnel of my company. I wore light blue shiny suite which amplifies and exudes my aura more. Thanks to good body and good diet, I have slender chiseled muscled body with Abs and good height Which makes me enchanting, extremely handsome and sophisticated. It helps me to make very good first impression which I hammer and make permanent with my skills and knowledge.

In the meeting, I passed on new plans, game designs, hardware designs etc. and also ordered to make to two New departments; Game development department and Game console development department. Upto this point, only I developed New games which I will continue but since it's company, it has to be like company so new games or newer version of old games have to be made by personnel hired for that.

Manufacturing costs of these arcade Machines, game consoles and other hardwares etc. are very high in USA compared to other places eg. Hong Kong, South east Asian nations, China (has opened it's economy) etc. With the help of some unique methods and friendly Govt. Policies cost of these hardwares production and assembly can be ' reduced as much as 2 to 3 times.' So, Slowly I will also move these production and assembly factories to these places for lower costs while R&D and other Core departments of the company will remain in USA.

With the above mentioned arrangements, My company will have to employ more shipping companies with good tonnage capacities and good track record to ship the goods globally in short time. With our earlier connection and transaction for shipping orders, We have made good reputation with fixed percentage upfront payment during cargo uploading and no delay in successive payments after cargo deloading at destination; this has made easier for us to place order within less time gap window and ask them to prioritise our goods within normal delivery category via sea and Air as well as express delivery category as required which they are also happy to oblige.

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