The funky valentine (2)

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Scene: At hotel

Claire : Ah. Well, I just so happen to like married men. Tell me
about your wife.

Phil : Well, she's beautiful, of course.

Claire : Really? Well, if she's so very beautiful, why are you here with me?

Phil : Because she's always so tired, and she's always making lists of things for me to do.

Claire : Maybe if you did them, she wouldn't be so tired.

Phil : Oh, no, she can make lists for days. But back to your mouth and how sexy it is.

Claire : Unh-unh. I want to go back to these alleged lists and your nagging wife.

Phil : I-I'm not talking about you. I didn't mean that. Can we try
this again?

Claire : Yeah. So, if your wife is so beautiful, why are you here
with me?

Phil : Because... I respect her too much to do to her what I'm
going... to do to you?

Claire : Oh, jackpot. I'll be right back, Clive.

(Cut the scene)

Scene: At great shakes resturant

Cameron (all sitting from another table than Fiona) : Do you have eyes on her? Is she here?

Manny : 2:00... the blonde at the back table.

Cameron : Yep. Have a visual.

Mitchell : Let's not talk like that anymore. Over.

Manny : Okay, this is it. I'm off to win the heart of my beloved.

Cameron : Well, this is nice. I mean, if we can't have our own
valentine's day, It's nice that we can give somebody else one.

Mitchell : All right, Cam... I'm sorry. I'm so... I'm sorry I have not been attentive. I've been spending the last five months pouring my
core beliefs into the greatest speech that I will ever write, And then that moment gets taken away.

Cameron : Hey, buddy, how'd it go?

Manny : I can't do it. Not while Durkas is there. He has the natural confidence. I admire it and fear it.

Cameron : We will deal with him directly. We need a plan.

Mitchell : Could you be more dramatic?

Cameron : we need a plan!

(Cut the scene)

Scene: At comedy show

David Brenner : In Oregon, the state legislature ratified a bill that from now on it is a crime to have sex in Oregon with a farm
animal. How ugly are the women in Oregon?

Gloria : He's funny, Jay.

Jay : I know.

David Brenner : See? I can tell... you're not... you're not from Oregon.

Gloria : No, no.

David Brenner : You... you are gorgeous.

Gloria : Thank you.

David Brenner : Thank you for bringing your father to the show.

Jay : I'm... I'm her husband, Dave.

David Brenner : No kidding?

Jay : Yeah.

David Brenner : What's it like to be married to someone who was
there when the bible was written? What was it called then, just "the testament"?

Jay : That's... that's good stuff.

David Brenner : Oh, now he's trying to turn out the light.

(Cut the scene)

Scene: At great shakes resturant

Durkas (answering telephone at reception desk ) : Hello?

Cameron : Uh, yes, hello. Mr. Durkas?

Durkas : Yeah?

Cameron : Uh, yeah, this is Don Jolly With the great shakes
corporate office, And I have good news for you. You have been
selected to take part in a random survey that you could win cash
and prizes. Does that sound like something you'd be interested in?

Durkas : Yeah. Sure.

Cameron : Okay, just a few simple questions for you. Would you
please rank your favorite ice creams at great shakes from least favorite to favorite?

Durkas : I don't know them by heart.

Cameron : There should be a menu right there to your right. To your right. Mm-hmm. There you go.

(Manny walks to Fiona's table)

Fiona : Oh. Hi, Manny.

Manny : Hi, Fiona. Can I join you?

Fiona : I guess so.

(Cut the scene)

Scene: At comedy show

David Brenner : And you don't have to worry about him
cheating... That's for sure... Because if he does, you'll catch him when he comes home with two sets of teeth in his mouth.

Jay : Yeah.

David Brenner : So, tell me, on the wedding night, what did he
do? Did he say he wanted to change into something comfortable and go into a coma?

Jay : Ah, ah... Listen, I got to use the men's room.

Gloria : No.

Jay : I got to use... I'll be right back.

David Brenner : Where you going? Wait a minute. I'm only joking. That's what I do. You know, you're way younger than I am. You just don't look it.

(Cut the scene)

Scene: At hotel

Claire : Clive. I have a little something for you.

Phil : What is it?

Claire : My dress.

Phil : Oh...

Claire : My bra.

Phil : Oh, my g...

Claire : My underwear.

Phil : My god.

Claire : Yeah. What do you say we take this upstairs?

Phil : This is so much better than cheesy garlic bread.

Claire : Mmm.

(Cut the scene)

Scene: At Great shakes restaurant

Durkas : Chocolate.

Cameron : Uh-huh. Go on.

Durkas : Vanilla.

Cameron : I'm taking copious notes. Keep going, Mr. Durkas.

Fiona : So, why would ted say he wrote the poem if he didn't?

Manny : Maybe because you're the cutest girl in school and you
have a laugh that makes science lab seem like recess.

Cameron : Would you be more or less inclined to visit a great
shakes establishment if you knew your satisfaction was

Durkas : That's a dumb question.

Cameron : Excuse me, it is not a dumb question, mister...
Tarnation. He hung up.

Mitchell : Then you can drop the accent.

(Durkas returns at Fiona's table)

Durkas : Delgado. What are you doing here?

Manny : Discussing poetry. Maybe you'll like to recite some of

Durkas : I'm not gonna recite anything.

Manny : Just admit... you didn't write the poem.

Durkas : I don't know what he's talking about. Get out of here
before you get your butt kicked.

Cameron : I'm going over there.

Mitchell (walking to Fiona's table) : No, I got this. Whoa! Whoa! Sir. Sir? Turn around. Sir... You have no right to claim ownership of another person's work.

Durkas : Who are you?

Mitchell : I'm a lawyer.

Durkas : You have a lawyer?

Mitchell : It is one thing to lie, But then to bully this young man...
It's unforgivable. And this is wh wrong with the world today. The
big guy... Until the little guy says "enough." And that what this
little guy's doing, Right here, right now.

Manny : Could we stop calling me "little guy"? I'm in the 40th

Mitchell : Shh, I got this. Okay, thank you. Ted Durkas... Clearly
did not write that poem. I know it. He knows it. Deep down in
your heart, Fiona... ...You know it, too. (Pointing finger) Shame!

Durkas : Fine! Whatever. I stole the stupid poem!

Fiona : You did?

Manny : I told you.

Cameron : There you go.

Durkas : I only did it because... I had the feelings. I just didn't
know how to show them.

Fiona: Really? That's the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me.

Manny : You've got to be kidding me. Let's get out of here. This
chick's crazy.

Cameron : Seriously. I've never seen you like that.

Mitchell : You have no idea how good that felt.

Cameron : Well, happy valentine's day, counselor.

(Cut the scene)

Scene: At hotel

Phil (Stepping on escalator)  : This is all happening so fast, Juliana.

Claire (stepping on escalator) : I know. And I have to be home to my husband by

Phil : Ooh, a twist.

Claire : Phil! Phil? My coat is stuck!

Phil : Who's Phil?

Claire : No, not now. Seriously, my coat is stuck!

Phil : Oh, honey, take off your coat!

Claire : Are you kidding me?! Pull it.

Phil : Oh, my goodness.

Claire : Pull it. Not good. Not good. Not good! Not... Okay. Okay.

Phil : Come on up. Treat 'em like they're regular stairs.

(They reached at upper floor through escalator but still struck)

Claire : It's okay.

Phil : Come on through. Happy valentine's day. You look lovely.
So do you. Not in a weird way. Let met just get in here. Let me get
in here.

Claire : Okay.

Tom : Phil?

Phil : Hey, Tom!

Tom : Hi.

Phil : How are you? Honey, Claire, you remember Tom Mickelson
from the office, and his wife, Susan.

Claire : Hi. I do. Hey.

Tom : Is your coat stuck?

Claire : It is. It really is.

Phil : Yeah.

Claire : It's in there pretty darn good.

Tom : why don't you take it off?

Claire : Um...I'm freezing cold.

Tom : Well, at least let me give it a shot, okay?

Claire : Oh, I don't think...

Tom : No, no, no, no, I got it. I...

Principal Balaban : Mr. And Mrs. Dunphy?

Phil : Hey!

Claire : Principal Balaban! Hey. How are you?

Principal Balaban : Hi. Who's, uh, Clive Bixby?

Phil : Oh. Uh... He makes speakers. He's actually in town for a
trade show.

Claire : Phil.

Principal Balaban : Oh...My. Are you stuck?

Claire : Yeah, I am. A...Little bit.

Principal Balaban : Why don't you take off that coat?

Claire : Um, I'm chilly.

Tom : It's really jammed in here.

Principal Balaban : Let me...

Phil : Oh, no, I think we're okay.

Miss Passwater : Mrs. Dunphy!

Claire : Oh! Are you kidding me?! Hi! Luke's math teacher, miss

Phil : "Passwater."

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