My Promise Still Stands

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Author: Good day to you all and welcome to my fourth chapter so far it hope it's going great for you guys so without further ado let's start shall we...

And so It begins izuku sat in his room in at his home since it's a Saturday today a pen to his right side and override key to his left and so decided to make a notebook one that was called Power Analysis For The Future No.1 he wrote down his abilitys of spider-man and the new one he obtained encountering that day he stud up and walks left and right while writing everything onto that book until he stopped he forgot the most crucial part of being the spider-man

Izuku: I-I need to prove myself

Yes in almost all of the comics he read almost all of them had to be providing his powers believing in his powers by a leap what every spider-man has to go through in order to achieve it of being the greatest spider-man so he closed his book grab his backpack and puts it in once he did he grab his favorite sweater one that had dark forest green color with bunny ear on the top but just before he got to the door he stops and looks at the table we're he sat

Izuku: *Looks at the table with a determined look*

The key was there izuku walk up to the desk and grab it puts it in his pocket and walks out

Izuku made it he looks up at the building that looks like the same exact size as in the comic and so he went inside walks towards the building up the stairs opened the door and makes it to the roof the wind facing him on the way as he saw the view and how high he is izuku looks around the place in awe

Izuku: W-woah is-is this what spider-man goes through o-on a daily basis sw-swinging over buildings and running on r-roof tops I'm guessing he ne-never get tired of it

But the challenge has yet to come he stops and looks at the other side of the building one the same size izuku is on so izuku took off his backpack places it on the side of course izuku with his curiosity decide to look down at the edge of the building and was already feeling his determination withered away like nothing

Izuku: *Shaking* (I-I-I cant do this!?)

But immediately izuku throws those thoughts away there was no time for that not right now he can't think about that he has to do this he can do this No Matter The Danger No Matter The Risk of course izuku was repeating those word again and again

Izuku: *Shaking putting on his mask* NoMatterTheDangerNoMatterTheRisk!

He did stretches to tried to avoid jump onto the other building as he tied his shoes multiple times making sure he doesn't trip on his laces of course trying to pass the time but he knew he couldn't avoid it so he took a deep breath and released the air in his lungs

Izuku: *Closes eyes* (Y-you got this izuku this is your next step into becoming a spider-man its just one leap) *Eyes Open with a determined look* One leap h-how bad could it be

Without a second to spare izuku ran towards the edge as each second he felt fast and faster and when he reach to the edge he jumped he soar through the air his eyes widen he's doing it he's actually doing it he can see it he's going to make it

Izuku: (I-Im doing it IM REALLY DOING IT!!!!)

But of course he forgot one crucial thing how is he suppose to land so his right leg landed exactly where it suppose to be while the his left leg bended in the wrong direction so he fell left sided but a sound came from that impact


Izuku groan holding his left side until he realized that a cracked sound didn't sound like it came from his body but he went pale once he knew what was on his pockets he quickly pulled out what was there the override key was now broken izuku layed on the roof of the building he landed on he was holding back his tears as he feels is ready to burst, Now all seems lost the one thing he need to stop the collider is broken in the palm of his hand he felt lost but it got worse as it began to snow

Hero's Promise (MHA x The Spider-verse)Where stories live. Discover now