Sort Of Training

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Author: Hello everyone I hope you enjoy and can't wait for the next until then so shall we begin...

Peter: *Chews on burger* W-wait you mean to tell me your the same kid as yesterday

Izuku: *Looking distress* Y-yeah...

Peter: W-wow that's crazy Is that really your hair color and your eyes too and you can speak English so fluently this keeps getting crazier *Sucks on his fingers*

Waiter: *Mean Look places the recite* ...

Peter:... You have money right?

Izuku: Y-yeah and yes it's natural b-by the way d-do you have a-any tips you could tell me about being spider-man

Peter: Yeah I got plenty disinfect the mask you're gonna want to use baby powder in the suit you don't want any chafing right?...

Izuku: *Taking note* I-is that all

Peter: (Where did he get thay notebook from?)... Yeah that was everything *Chews on fries*

Izuku: *Displeased look* (T-this is going to b-be harder then I thought)

Peter: Look up where Alchemax is

Izuku: *Pulls out phone* It-its in Hudson Valley New York... *Eyes lightens* Y-you could teach me how to swing on the way there *Bright Smile*

Peter: *Chuckles*

Both Peter and Izuku are on a bus traveling to Hudson Valley izuku pouting on the way there while Peter tries to convince him

Peter: I'm not swinging to the Hudson Valley, I-Isuku not a hearty burger breakfast *Taps izuku knees* Keep your legs fresh your gonna thank me later

They arrived at the place and both izuku and Peter took off there cloths to reveal there costume/suit but Peter had sweat pants on as they both do there poses

Izuku: *Sweating* D-does spider-man w-wear sweat pants

Peter:...Anyways *Looks at the outside of place* Now I have to retrace Peter's step okay *Bends down as he puts his hand to his chin*...What would I do if I were me?

Izuku: *Copying his jester*

Peter: Got it step 1: I infiltrate the lab 2: Find the head scientist's computer

Izuku: W-wait the head scientist that would be Her, her names Olivia Octavius

Peter: Okay ne- *Looks at him* Did you say Octavius

Izuku: Y-yes

Peter:... *Sighs* Okay doesn't matter this could still work step 2: I follow to her office and 3: I hack the computer 4: Download the import stuff I'll know it when I see it Step 6: I grab a bagel from the cafeteria and run

Izuku: I-Is there's something I-I could d-do you know better chance of success

Peter: *Stretching* S-step 6: You stay here your Lookout very important

Izuku: B-but what if you get caught o-or worse captured I-I wouldn't kn-know what to do *Panicking*

Peter: Relax kid I won't get captured *Web swings his way* Dont worry kid I'll quiz you later

Izuku: *Sees Peter going towards the lab* C-calm down i-izuku his spider-man

He grabs a rock as he sat down behind a giant rock worried if Peter would come back to him but he heard a car moving infront of the facility izuku oberves the black car until he saw him which made izuku turn pale

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