Death Do us Part

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Chapter Forty Seven- Death do us Part

As JJ pulled back the dust sheet, the roof above them opened up. Standing next to the opening was pope, stood with more pride than Harley had ever seen him bare before. She couldn't help but let out a laugh with JJ, as they squinted up at him through the sun. She waved at him, overjoyed.

"Woohoo!" JJ cheered.

"Woooo!" Harley joined in, putting any feelings towards JJ aside to celebrate what may have been their only ever victory.

"The time where people do shit to us and we just sit back and take it, is over!" Pope threw his fist in the air and Harley clapped him proudly.

"That's my boy!" JJ encouraged "let's get this done baby!"

Pope ran off, most likely to the crane to lift the cross.

"Here, help me tie it up" Harley instructed JJ. She handed him the rope she was holding and the two of them began wrapping it and tying it around the cross.

"Wait JJ" Harley had turned behind her, and was now staring at the bloody spanner on the floor, but more so what was lacking next to it "he's gone"

The spot where Rafe had been lying unconscious was now empty, leaving only a blood stein in his place.

"We can't worry about him now. Come on" JJ encouraged. The two of them finally finished tying the ropes.

"Ready?" JJ asked her and Harley nodded. The cross suddenly jolted upwards, and Harley looked up at the crane, that was now pulling at the rope they'd tied. Pope was sitting inside, concentrating hard as he manoeuvred the cross.

"Slow! Slowly!" Harley yelled to him.

"Alright bring her into the middle" JJ called. The two of them were using the rope hanging from either side of the cross to guide it as pope pulled from above.

"Woah woah woah too far!" Harley yelled as JJ got dragged across the deck with the cross. The cross swung into a few barrels that were stacked up, knocking off the top one, narrowly missing Harley's head.

"Your other middle!" She yelled up to him again.

"Sorry!" Pope yelled back

Finally, the cross was lifted high enough that JJ and harley could no longer guide it.

"Come on let's go help John B load it up onto the life boat" JJ called to harley. She hated that she listened to him and did as he said, but it wasn't really the right time for stubborn gestures.

"Okay come on" the two of them ran down the side of the boat on the open deck, and harley jumped down onto the next level down. JJ followed her, and she began moving again carefully along the side. She peered round the first corner they came across, pinning JJ back with her arm to stop him from moving.

"Clear?" He whispered. Harley nodded, quickly pulling her arm back and the Two kept moving.

They reached the bow, and Harley turned the corner as JJ peered over and into the water.

"I don't see him" JJ told Harley.

"J" Harley stopped dead in her tracks. A man she assumed to be the captain stood in front of her, a machete in his hands.

"Of course, there's more of you" the man said "get down on your knees"

"Yeah that's not gonna happen" JJ said, he grabbed Harley's arm and attempted to drag them both forward, but the man cut them off with a swing from his machete.

As he swung, JJ punched him round the face, and Harley used his moment of weakness to use both her arms to pin his one arm holding the machete to the side of the boat.

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