CHAPTER THIRTEEN, drews lucky ass teacher

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I WOKE UP TANGLED comfortably in Paige's (very toned I might add) arms. I slept in way longer than I thought I would. I mean I didn't think I was going to even get a wink of sleep, or was the phrase blink of sleep? I don't know. I'm too tired for metaphors. That was a metaphor right? I'll just ask Drew, he's probably learning about all that in school right now.
It was now eight o'clock (in the morning obviously). I very hesitantly shifted in my spot to look up at Paige but I couldn't help but let my eyes brighten slightly as I saw her looking straight back down at me. Oh lord what if she had been watching me for a while? She probably wants to break up now that she's seen me both snore and drool.
Now you're probably wondering: "Delilah why are you worried about Paige breaking up with you because of something like that? You guys have known each other since birth!" Your right actually and now that I said (thought) it out loud (in my head) it makes no sense as to why I could think that.
I wasn't sure how long she had been awake but she wasn't moving enough for me to wake up because of her so I had just assumed she was asleep. "Morning." I whispered quietly. I wasn't very sure why I was whispering. We were the only two in the hotel room. I didn't stop though. I loved how it made me feel like I was some undercover spy and Paige was my fake girlfriend.
Wait Delilah no. Nevermind, I don't like this fake universe anymore. I'm quite happy with being Paige's very real girlfriend.
"Good morning." My real girlfriend smiled down at me. I didn't even try to suppress my smile as I looked back up at her. What the hell is she doing to me?
The hell do you mean "she doing to me?" Delilah you grew up with all of your stuffed animals forced on your twin sized bed so that none of them left out. You're not some gangster biker chick.
Oh great, now my thoughts are fighting each other .
I'm going insane.
UGH we had to get up soon (like now or we'll be late for breakfast) but lord I did not want to. Like at all. Ever. I was no question the most comfortable I had ever been in my whole life; and I used to have this spinny chair in my room that some nights I slept on because I preferred it over my bed.
True story.
"Are you feeling better?" Paige asked. I groaned and rolled over on my side and fell off of the bed, landing on my back. Now some would call me dramatic but I am offended that people think that. It was one hundred percent needed in the conversation. "I'll take that as a no?" Quite honestly I was fine, I just didn't want to get up.
"No, no, I'm fine, just tired." I could hear Paige laugh above me so I rolled over on my back and glared at her. "Not funny." She only shrugged and got off the bed, offering me a hand so I could stand up.
"Okay sleepy girl let's get ready for breakfast." I forgot about breakfast! I felt like an excited child as I ran around the hotel room, quickly getting ready. The faster I got ready the sooner I would see Drew, Abigail and Mr Bueckers.
I saw them all last night but that was very very very different. Last night I was fantasizing my head hitting the pillow but now all I could think about was hugging Drew and catching up with Abigail.
Paige offered to drive to the diner once we got into the parking lot but I shut her down immediately. Who did she think she was? Paige might think I'm a bad driver but that was just not true at all. She's just jealous that I can drive faster than her.
I was feeling nice this morning so I let Paige pick the Aux. I then realized that I didn't want Paige to have Aux so I took it back and played some Taylor Swift. Now that might seem mean but while we were diving I felt this thing hit my face, blinding me. This thing was daylight. So naturally I had to play "Daylight." It was basically a sign from God himself.
Every thirty seconds I couldn't help but change the song. Paige thought it was because of how nervous I was but I ignored her and kept doing what I was doing. Being an amazing drive and DJ
Two for one combo over here!
Now i'm not going to lie, my heart hadn't stopped racing since I finished getting ready that morning, realizing that there was a chance to go to sleep tonight as a national champion was finally settling in. I couldn't help but smile as Paige brought our interlaced fingers to her lips in an attempt to calm me down.
Lunch with the Bueckers and Abigail was another thing that helped with nerves. Abigail had forced the idea into my head that this was just another game and while I was on the court to act like it. I couldn't help but smile when Drew told me he would do his best to get blue on his school clip board for the rest of the year if we won.
That was the most pressure filled ultimatum I had ever been told.
Now we had to win.
For the teachers.
Eventually I had to say goodbye to my favorite people as Maggie came to pick me up. Paige walked me out of the small breakfast restaurant, kissing me on my hairline reminding me that I was going to do amazing before I forced myself to say goodbye to her before me and Maggie drove off to the arena.
The ride was dead silent. Maggie was as stressed as me so neither of us really wanted to listen to music. Which was weird because both of us hated silence. I guess with all the words running through i'm assuming both of our brains that was more like music then anything.
Just not the pleasant kind.
No one else on the team was any different than the two of us. A few of the seniors were trying to hype everyone up but we all knew that coach would be the only one able to do that.
And here he came.

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