CHAPTER EIGHT, my pretty girl

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"LILAH HEY! AGAIN, SO GLAD YOU CAME!" I smiled at Julia, maybe she meant well and I just made a mean judgment.

"Have you met my sister?"

Oh. My. Gosh.

Double oh shit.

I could feel Paige burry her head in my neck, muttering "of fucking course." I patted her leg, not trying to show any frustration on my face.

I was over here for Allison. Thats it, these other girls can fuck off.


In a nice way.

"Yeah, we met yesterday." Sure you can call me fake, I mean I totally was being fake. But again, I didn't even know these girls so it doesn't matter.

"Awe! We should play spin the bottle!" Allison grinned excitedly, sitting up so my arm flew off of her. Me and Paige immediately started protesting.

No fucking way.

Julia was of course on board. She was drunk too, it was obvious.

"I'm not gonna play." I told Allison, Paige nodding in agreement behind me.

Keep in mind, I was talking to Allison.

Just Allison.

"Awe why not?" Not Julia.

I leaned back against Paige. "Because I have a girlfriend and I'm not gonna play some random game that basically is kissing random people."

I couldn't help but snap at the brunette, she was too drunk to notice tone though so she just laughed at my comment.

Deep breaths Delilah, deep breaths.

I felt Paige's large hands tighten their grip on my waist, making sure I didn't get up.

Yeah! Be scared, Im just too strong that my amazing girlfriend has to hold me back. Be scared bitch.

"Cmon babe don't me lame."

Another thing to keep in mind, the person calling me babe...NOT MY GIRLFRIEND.

At this point I just wanted to go home. Especially when black haired, hey mammas, air balling, cant take a hint girl opened her mouth.

"Nah, don't call her babe."

Here we go.

Paige and Morgan were staring daggers into each other at this point I thought one of them were going to start bleeding because of how sharp the stares they were receiving were.

Both Allison and Julia of course were both too drunk to realize the obvious tension in the room so Allison began counting her fingers and Julia laughed at air.

Paige moved her hand so it was resting on my thigh instead of my waist, pulling me closer.

I know for a fact she's doing it to piss off the girl across from us but like—woah.

I love my girlfriend.

"Hey Lilah? I have a question!" Julia stood from her spot on the couch. I raised my eyebrows.

Maybe I should've had more drinks before coming to sit down, in that case me and Paige wouldn't be the only logical people here.

She crouched down in front of the couch me and Paige were sitting on, I subconsciously put my leg out so there was something in between her and Paige.

"If you and your girlfriend break up can I have her number?"

At this point I was done. Her words made me shoot off the couch, pulling Paige with me.

"Okay, I think I'm ready to go now."

Julia laughed and stumbled back, already moving her attention onto something else as she began talking to a very drunk Alli.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay?" EW. There was definitely a double meaning behind that and it made me sick.

Did I mention how I hate people who CANT TAKE A HINT.

"Yeah, we definitely are." Paige answered for me.

"We'll good thing I wasn't asking you."

I rolled my eyes. "I want to go too, dumbass." This situation was getting way to heated. I probably shouldn't have added to the fire.

"You know what—"

"Me and Julia are going to go get water!" Allison announced, intturupting the obvious tension.

"NO!" Both me and Paige said in unison, taking our eyes off of Morgan to point at Allison to sit back down.

"We're leaving." Paige grabbed my hand, and I grabbed Allison pulling her up to her feet.

All three of us ignored both Julia and Morgan's attempts at talking and just made our way back to the group.

"Hey we're gonna head out, if you guys want to stay I'll leave the car." Paige nodded behind me, I wrapped my arm around Allison, trying to keep her in place.

Everyone else agreed to leave which surprised me. You would think pulling a group of twenty year olds out of a vacation party would be hard.

Maggie helped us get her girlfriend and sister (both drunk by the way) into the car and Paige drove us home, being the most sober one in the group.

Paige hadn't let go of my hand since we got in the car, having to let go once we got to it so both of us could get in.

When I got home I unfollowed Julia on instagram. I wasn't sure if she was going to reach out again but just in case.

I was probably being dramatic.

Did I care?

Definitely not.

paigebueckers posted to her story!

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paigebueckers posted to her story!

paigebueckers posted to her story!

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Paige casually dropping an out of nowhere hard launch
first of all we're almost done with the era that is this book ☹️
it's okay tho! i'm planning on writing another Paige book AND A NIKA ONE
i js need to find a way to end this one
wld you guys get mad at me if I just ended it with and they lived happily ever after, that's it??

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