The Storm

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Julia's POV.
As they ran down the designated path through the quit neighbourhood, the friends barely talked. They were running so hard they could barely breathe. Finally after three exhausting laps they sat down on the sidewalk and took a rest. After a few minutes, Ben said something. "Hey, I thought it was supposed to be sunny today?" He asked. I looked up to see dark storm clouds above them. Then a sudden bang and crackle of lightning startled them. And then rain poured down in buckets. "We better head back." Zach said nervously. "Yeah, lets get out of here!" Amelia said. They composed themselves and started running back to school. We made it about 30 yards before and strong, sudden gust of wind nocked us to the ground. "Oww!" I cried. We tried to get back up, but we were forced to the ground. I looked up, only to see a giant tornado making it's way towards us. Amelia was frozen in shock, Zach's mouth hung open in surprise, and Ben looked terrified. We had no time to react before the tornado pulled us up into the dark sky. I grabbed Amelia's hand and held on tight. I swirled around uncontrollably and was forced to let go. "Ahhhh!!!!!" I screamed as she was pushed away from me. I flipped upside down and lurched forward. I nearly hit Ben with my leg as he hurtled past me. I caught a brief glance and Zach as he flailed his arms wildly above me. I turned my head only to see a piece of debris flying at me. The wind held me in place as the debris hit me in the stomach. My eyes fluttered shut, and everything went black.

Blown AwayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora