Berries And Hallucinations

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Amelia's POV

I waked into the small cave Julia called shelter. It was small, but it had enough room for 4 people. It kept out the wind and it would keep out rain too. The lichen was thick enough, so it was slightly dark and very warm. Grass blanketed the floor of the cave, and it smelled like flowers. This will be fine. At least until someone comes and getsus. I thought to myself. "Let's get something to eat. " Zach says. "Ooo!!! Over here! I found berries!" Says Julia. I turn my gaze to where Julia was standing. She was picking dark, red berries, and handing them over to Zach and Ben. There was something nagging at the back of my head telling me I shouldn't eat them. But my grumbling stomach pushed me to eat them. I practically ran to Julia and shoved a handful of the berries in my mouth. I chewed and swallowed. My friends did the same. Suddenly Ben fell to the ground and started talking to himself. Suddenly my vision clouded and I saw a giant gummy bear. Those berries were poisonous. I thought. I looked around to see Zach talking to a tree, while Julia was singing WE can't stop AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS!!!! I walked around dazed and confused until I bumped into a tree and everything went black.

Zach's POV

I woke up in the dead of night. I licked my lips to find that they were dried and stained with berry juice. The memories quickly flooded back to me. How the berries poisoned us. I wiped the juice of and walked to the stream and drank the sweet, cool water. It seemed to wash away the weirdness of last nights ant bites. As I walked back to camp I noticed the others were also slowly waking up. "What happened?" Amelia asked wearily.
"I'm not so sure." Ben said.
"All I remember was having a meet and greet with Miley Cyrus." Julia said with a goofy, sleepy grin on her face.
"Those berries were poisonous," I explained. "They gave us untrue visions." My friends all looked at me like I was crazy.
"It seemed real to me." Amelia said wistfully.
"Well anyway, those berries weren't filling. Let's find something nice to eat." Ben declared. I felt sick just thinking about eating after those berries, but my stomach disagreed.
"Sounds like a plan." I said.

Blown AwayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora