The Hive

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Julia's POV

We searched for hours on end but we could find nothing to eat but those poisonous berries. We saw rabbits and fish in the stream, but we had no means of catching them so we just had to ignore them. The sun was started to go down and we were just about to go back to our little cave when Ben made a discovery. "Look what I found!" He exclaimed. He was looking up at a tree with large, red fruit that appeared to be apples. They looked juicy and succulent to the four hungry kids.

"Try shaking the tree." suggested Zach. Amelia practically ran to the tree and shook the tree with might.

"It's not working!!!!" she said stubbornly.

"Here, let me try. "Said Ben. he shook the tree but instead of the red fruit falling out, a large, beehive fell out.

'Oh my gosh!!!!!'' I screamed. Hundreds of bees poured out of the hive and swarmed around us. I did everything I could to get those disgusting little bugs out of my hair, mouth and clothes. I couldn't see clearly through the thick swarm and the stings were making my head pound. Desperately I tried to run but the swarm followed me. I ran to the stream and submerged myself in the water. The bees still hovered over the water's surface for a few moments and then buzzed off into the distance. I pulled myself out of the stream and found my friends. Their faces were swollen and they winced every time the moved. I found out soon that my eyes were swelling up and it got harder to keep them open. My knees buckled and I fell to the ground. I heard groans around me and soon I drifted into a deep, but painful sleep.

Blown AwayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora